Marine Biodiversity in India
by S. Kannaiyan & K. Venkataraman
ISBN: 9789354615207
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 9095.00
Biblio : vii+252p.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Prof Dr S. Kannaiyan, Former Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai is Doctorate in Agricultural Microbiology. He was a post Doctoral Fellow in the University of London, UK and also at Charles Kattering Research Institute, USA. After serving as a visiting scientist in the University of Callifornia, Davis, USA, he shifted his focus on research work to Azolla biofertilizers, <BR> Dr. K. Ventataraman worked under the famous ornithologist Shri Salim Ali at Keoladeo National Park, BNHS, Bharatpur, <BR> In 2003, Dr. Venkataraman was appointed a The Founder Secretary (additional charger) of National Biodiversity Authority Chennai, where he took up the task of Implementation of Biodiversity Act, 2002. Subsequently, he was also appointed a Member Secretary (additional charge), Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai. <BR> Presently, Dr. Ventataraman, is the Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
About The Book
Marine environments encompass an impressive diversity of ecosystem and habitats. The book covers Biodiversity and Conservation of marine bioresources, marine actinobacteria, sea grass resources, marine faunal diversity, marine sponges, coral reef fished, Crustaceans in Gulf of Mannar, Conservation of Synganathid biodiversity etc. The book also contains valuable information on the role of marine biodiversity and its effect on fish production, biodiversity of brackish water areas and applications of informatics in marine biodiversity conservation and the book also covers sea snakes distribution, habitat, feeding strategies and threats and coastal birds of India.
Table of Contents
Foreword iii
Preface v
1. Biodiversity and Conservation of Marine Bioresources 1
2. Marine Actinobacteria - The Boundary Microorganisms 10
3. An Introduction to the Sea Grass Resources 26
4. Coastal and Marine Living Resources of India 44
5. Marine Faunal Diversity oflndia 59
6. Indian Coral Reefs: Functions, Threats and Management Issues 72
7. Corals oflndia 87
8. Management Strategies for Corals of India 111
9. Overview of Marine Fauna of Chennai Coast 128
10. Marine Sponges of India 141
11. Coral Reef Fishes of india 146
12. Biodiversity of Commercially Important Crustaceans in GulfofMannar 163
13. Conservation of Syngnathid Biodiversity along the Tamilnadu Coast 175
H Role of Marine Biodiversity and its Effect on Fish Production 188
15. Biodiversity of Brackish Water Areas of India-Conservation Status and Researchable Issues 195
16. Applications oflnformatics in Marine Biodiversity Conservation in the Indian Context 230
17. Sea Snakes Distribution, Habitat, Feeding Strategies and Threats 239
18. Coastal Birds of India 243