Management of Aquatic Habitats

by Smriti Ratna Mishra

ISBN: 9789354615139
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 8095.00
Biblio : xiii+218p., figs., tables., ind., 23 cm

About The Book

The present volume is an attempt to present the work of eminent researchers related to the field of aquatic habitats pollution, its effect on their fauna, flora and management of these habitats. It comprises of 17 research papers and reviews on above aspects. This book will be very useful publication for Hydrobiologists, Fishery biologists, Aquaculturists and Post-graduate students of Ecology and Environmental Sciences in various respects.

Table of Contents

Contents Chapter 1: Biomonitoring of freshwater habitats- An emerging eco- technology to preserve the aquatic resources; Chapter 2: Modelling water resources performance using lognormal distribution of amravati reservoir of tamil nadu; Chapter 3: Role of phosphorus fertilizers in the management of fish culture pond habitat; Chapter 4: Study of saprotrophication of certain polluted ponds of dhule (Maharashtra); Chapter 5: Quality of water in the hirakud reservoir (Orissa); Chapter 6: Morphometry of an aquaculture impoundment, chennai, india; Chapter 7: Effect of industrial pollution on the biodiversity of the weeds of kaly river; Chapter 8: Sustained management of nuisance weeds of freshwater habitats by their utilization as viable resources for multivarious application; Chapter 9: Pre-pollution status of the composition, diel and tidal fluctuations of plankton in the vasishta godavari estuary, east coast of india; Chapter 10: Seasonal studies on accumulation of some heavy metals in fish of waste water ponds in west bengal; Chapter 11: Environmental impact of coastal tourism at digha, west bengal (India); Chapter 12: Industrial pollution- a review; Chapter 13: LDH isozymes as a probe into the impact of pollution and consequent fish mortality; Chapter 14: Variation in digestive gland enzyme activity as indicator of stress in a freshwater bivalve; Chapter 15: Influence of water hardness on zeolite efficiency to reduce cadmium level in water and a freshwater fish, oreochromis mossanbicus; Chapter 16: Toxic effect of malathion of the body composition of heteropneustes fossilis (BL); Chapter 17: Certain histochemical changes under the impact of pollution in a few fish from hussain sagar lake, hyderabad, andhra pradesh.