Genetically Modified Organisms and Biosafety
by K, Muthuchelian Dr & S Kannaiyan
ISBN: 9789354615030
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 8995.00
Biblio : vii+249p.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm
Table of Contents
"Contents <BR> 1. Genetically Modified (GM) Crops and Biosafety, <BR> 2. Biosafety and Cartagena Protocol <BR> 3. Genetically Modified Beneficial Organisms and their Interaction with the Environment, <BR> 4. Genetically Modified Organisms and Biosafety, <BR> 5. Transgenic and Biosafety <BR> 6. Prospects & Challenges of Genetically Modified Organisms and Biosafety with Special Reference to Forestry & Agriculture <BR> 7. Mass Culture and Molecular Approaches of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and its Role in Biotechnology, <BR> 8. Biofortification through Genetic Engineering - the Case for Phytoferritins for Human Nutritional and Health Benefits with a Cautionary Note on the Possible Environmental Impacts of GMO's on Biodiversity, <BR> 9. Agricultural Biotechnology - Biosafety Issues and Concerns, <BR> 10. Genetically Modified Horticultural Crops, <BR> 11. Prospects of Bt Cotton in India-An Overview, <BR> 12. General Features of Risk Assessments of Genetically Modified Crops - An Overview, <BR> 13. Developing Low Phytate Maize for Bioavailability of Micronutrients 14. Importance of GM Crops in Modern Days, <BR> 15. Influence of Genetically Modified Trees on Global Forest Biodiversity 16. Proteomics and Transcriptomics in Understanding Drought Responsiveness in Rice, <BR> 17. Stem Cell Research : Potential Uses and Ethics, 18. Genetically Modified Animals : Generation, Applications, Hazards and Biosafety, 19. Insect Transgenesis : Generation, Applications and Risks, <BR> 20. Biosafety Guidelines Recommended for Animal Cell Culture Laboratories, <BR> 21. Private Public Interface in Bio Safety in India - Role of Public Participation"