Climate Change and Global Health Management

by Dubey, Ashwani Kumar

ISBN: 9789354613166
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 3895.00
Biblio : x+94p Figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

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The VII ESW annual national research conference on “Climate Change and Global Health Management” organized by ESW Society Khajuraho during 01 & 02 February, 2020 at UNESCO Heritage site Khajuraho, India. Large-scale and human environmental hazards to global health include climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, changes in ecosystems due to loss of biodiversity, changes in hydrological systems and the supplies of freshwater, land degradation, urbanization, and stresses on food-producing systems. Policy choices are guided by several principles. These include considerations of equity, efficiency and political feasibility. To make informed decisions about climate change and global health, policy-makers will need timely and useful information about the possible consequences of climate change. Once policy-makers have received input from the impact assessment community, they must integrate this information into a broader policy portfolio. Climate change, however, should not be considered in isolation from other global environmental stresses. Climate change should therefore be viewed as part of the larger challenge of sustainable development. Some have argued that the existence of scientific uncertainties precludes policy makers from taking action today in anticipation of climate change. The outcomes of these decisions may be affected by climate change. This book is highly useful for researchers, teachers, students, policy maker and environmentalist engage in climate change and global health management.

About The Book

The VII ESW annual national research conference on “Climate Change and Global Health Management” organized by ESW Society Khajuraho during 01 & 02 February, 2020 at UNESCO Heritage site Khajuraho, India. Large-scale and human environmental hazards to global health include climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, changes in ecosystems due to loss of biodiversity, changes in hydrological systems and the supplies of freshwater, land degradation, urbanization, and stresses on food-producing systems. Policy choices are guided by several principles. These include considerations of equity, efficiency and political feasibility. To make informed decisions about climate change and global health, policy-makers will need timely and useful information about the possible consequences of climate change. Once policy-makers have received input from the impact assessment community, they must integrate this information into a broader policy portfolio. Climate change, however, should not be considered in isolation from other global environmental stresses. Climate change should therefore be viewed as part of the larger challenge of sustainable development. Some have argued that the existence of scientific uncertainties precludes policy makers from taking action today in anticipation of climate change. The outcomes of these decisions may be affected by climate change. This book is highly useful for researchers, teachers, students, policy maker and environmentalist engage in climate change and global health management.

Table of Contents

Contents Acknowledgement v Editorial vii About Environment and Social Welfare Society, Khajuraho xi International Journal of Global Science Research (IJGSR) xiii About ESW VII Annual National Research Conference xv Key Note: Climate Change with Reference to India is we Prepared for Impacts of Climate Change? 1 H.S. Sharma 1. Climate Change: Towards Resilience and Sustainability 3 Parveen Kumar, D. Namgyal and Ashwani Kumar Dubey 2. H+ - Integrated Vorticella Stalk Contraction Performance 11 Amit Kumar Verma 3. Sighting Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus scolopaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cuculiformes: Cuculidae) at Shikohabad (Firozabad District, Uttar Pradesh) in Off Season 17 Akhlaq Husain and Ashwani Kumar Dubey 4. A Study of Correlation between Solar Wind Parameters and Geomagnetic Parameters during Solar Cycle-24 25 Purushottam Kumar and Achyut Pandeya x 5. Toxic Effect of E. coli and the Protective Role of Mitochondria Targeted Supplements: An Experimental Study 31 Payal Mahobiya 6. Water Quality and its Effects among Rural Communities 37 Rashmi Tripathi 7. Depleting Ground Water: A Challenge for Regulators and Hydrogeologist 41 Ramesh Sharma 8. The Effect of UV Radiation on Biological Tissues 47 Gayatri Rai and Payal Mahobiya 9. Aesthetic Beauty in Ecotourism in India 59 Arvind Kumar Dubey Brief Report with Recommendation of ESW VII Annual National Research Conference on “Climate Change and Global Health Management” 61 Important Events in Brief 71 Annual Report Environment and Social Welfare Society, Khajuraho India 81 Index 93