Textbook on Fish Food Organisms
by Athithan, A
ISBN: 9789354613104
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 5695.00
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Author Profile
Dr.S.Athithan, who is currently as Professor & Head in Department of Aquaculture, is an accomplished teacher - researcher - extension worker - manager with a total of 24 years of work experience in various spheres of fisheries in Tamil Nadu. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Fisheries Science from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore in 1987 & Masters Degree in Fisheries Science from Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai in 1990. He did Ph.D (Aquaculture) from TANUVAS, Chennai in 2004. He published a book on Composite Fish Culture Technologies in Tamil. He visited USA under Visiting Scholar Programme for three months during 2011 and learnt recirculatory aquaculture systems. He taught at both the undergraduate and graduate courses. Besides served as resource person for various training programmes, he organized 70 trainings. He has served as Co-Editor in KVK Newsletter (TANUVAS KVK). He has published 46 peer reviewed research articles, 30 abstracts, 163 popular articles, 37 extension manuals and 48 extension pamphlets. He has given 14 radio talks in AIR, 7 TV programmes in Doordarshan & Sun News. He documented 8 DVD on success story of fish farmers of Tamil Nadu. In addition, he brought the need felt teaching books & manual (11), an immense value to the students and researchers to pursue research in fish nutrition, coastal aquaculture and mariculture. He also received various awards such as Distinguished Scientist Award in the field of Fish Nutrition, Best Professor Award in the field of Coastal Aquaculture, Best Researcher Award and Best Innovative Extension Worker Award (2017). The current areas of Interest are quality control of aqua feeds, seaweed farming, recirculatory aquaculture systems, lobster fattening, integrated farming, acclimation studies of euryhaline marine fin & shell fishes to freshwater.
About The Book
Aquaculture–culture of aquatic organisms including aquatic vegetations under controlled conditions which are now recognized as a viable and profitable farming or enterprise worldwide. Marine larviculture without live feed or crustacean cultures without microalgae are rarities in commercial aquaculture. The development of commercial formulated feeds remains today's upcoming challenge. In the mean time, the industry continues the struggle to produce stable quantities of high quality live feeds. There are important major areas of interest in which twenty three chapters are included. This textbook aims for a better understanding of biology and culture requirements live feeds with examples. This is a guide for anyone who interested in areas range from general aquaculture to animal nutrition to live feed manufacture and student communities in particular.
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Introduction 1
2. Types of Feed Used in Aquaculture 3
3. Importance of Natural Food and Plankton in Aquaculture 9
4. Plankton Sample Collection and Protocols 15
5. Candidate Speices of Fish Food Organisms 21
6. Current Status of Live Feed Production for Larviculture 31
7. Nutritional Properties of Microalage 35
8. Types of Algal Cultures 41
9. Algal Culture Techniques. 43
10. Methods of Isolation of Micro Algae 53
11. Physical and Chemical Conditions for Algal Culture 63
12. Growth Dynamics of Algal Culture 67
13. Algal Culture Media 69
14. Biology and Culture Requirements of Rotifers 77
15. Biology and Culture Requirements of Artemia 89
16. Spirulina Cultivation 103
17. Earth Worm Cultivation 109
18. Culture in Infusorians 121
19. Culture of Bloodworms 123
20. Culture of Tubifex 129
21. Culture Techniques of Moina 133
22. Culture of Daphnia 141
23. Bioenrichment of Artemia nauplii 147
References 153
Index 155