Boost Animal Immunity for Early Restoration of Health-Production-Growth
by Narula, V.K.
ISBN: 9789354613081
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 3595.00
Biblio : viii+92p., figs., tabls., ind. 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. V.K. Narula is a Veterinary Graduate of 1968 batch from prestigious College of Veterinary Sciences, Hisar under Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana with a Diploma in Business Management and a condensed course from ASCI (Administrative Staff College of India), Hyderabad. He has 45 years of experience in Sales, Marketing and Product Management apart from Operational and Technical expertise.
Dr. Narula has made out standing contribution in Veterinary Pharma, Education and Management. He has been the author of large number of books, monographs, resource inventories and technical articles. He also worked as editor in magazine Pharma Pramarsh (Monthly). Presently focusing on Technical Advisory to companies, promoter-professional vet pharma consultancy, trainer-sales executives and managers, online service provider to pet owners, guide to a group of Goshalas located in different states of country and seminars on self development.
About The Book
A concise review of the fundamentals of immunology in a readily understandable manner for the field veterinary practitioners is presented in this small product. The crisp material with key points give readers the significance of immunity in Livestock and other domestic animals for better health, early recovery from infections and resistance to fight ailments. How and which nutrients play a Big role in initiating the immune system to function optimally and persistently. In another segment dealt in immune response, immunogenicity the mechanism and factors to stimulate immune system are given in a very crisp description. The objective is to know the significance of this X factor for the welfare of animals and benefits of animal owner as well as their income in dairy business. The emphasis is in its clinical relevance with stress on need to supplement those nutrients act as Immuno-modulators
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Immunity - Immunogenecity 1
2. Immunity in Crisis – Why ? 3
3. How Strong is Immune System of an Animal 7
4. Impact of Immune System on Good Health 9
5. Why to Boost Immune System of Animal 11
6. Infections – Causes and Consequences 13
7. Immune System – Immune Response 17
8. How Immune System works ? 21
9. Immune Army of Animal 23
10. Immunity – Types, Autoimmunity 29
11. Antibodies – Antibiotics 33
12. Nutrition and Immune Functions 35
13. Nutrition – Support Immunity 45
14. Immune Boosting Diet 49
15. Immune Boosters – Other Factors 57
16. Vaccination for Immunity 63
17. Immunisation 67
Innate Immune System 71
Immune Cells 73
Recommended Feeding Levels of Nutrients per day –
Large Animal Weighing 300-400 kg 74
Formulations to Boost Immunity 76
Essential Amino Acids 78
Factors Contributing to Non-Specific Immunity 79
Glossary 81
References 87
Index 89