Taxonomy of Angiosperms 4th Revised Edn
by Pullaiah T , S Karuppusamy
ISBN: 9789354612862
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Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 11895.00
Biblio : xiv+324p., figs., tbls., indx., 25cm
Author Profile
Prof. T. Pullaiah obtained his M.Sc. (1973) and Ph.D. (1976) degrees in Botany from Andhra University. He was a Post Doctoral Fellow at Moscow State University, Russia during 1976-78. Professor Pullaiah joined Sri Krishnadevaraya University as Lecturer in 1979 and became Professor in 1993. He held several positions in the University, which include Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, Head of the Department of Botany, Chairman, BOS in Botany, Head of the Department of Sericulture, Co-ordinator and Chairman, BOS in Biotechnology, Vice Principal and Principal, S. K. University College. He retired from active service on 31st May 2011. He was selected by UGC as UGC-BSR Faculty Fellow and is working in Sri Krishnadevaraya University. Prof. Pullaiah has published 60 books, 303 research papers and 35 popular articles. Under his guidance 53 students obtained their Ph.D. degrees and 35 students their M.Phil. degrees.
Dr. S. Karuppusamy obtained his M.Sc. (1996) degree from Madurai Kamaraj University and Ph.D (2002) from Gandhigram University, Tamil Nadu. He was a Post Doctoral Fellow of Sri Krishndevaraya University (2000 – 2004), Anantapur. At present he is working as an Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, The Madura College, Madurai since 2008. He has published 120 scientific research papers in nationally and internationally reputed journals. He is the co-author of Flora of Andhra Pradesh (Vol. 5), Flora of Eastern Ghats (Vol. 3 & 4) and Caralluma (sensu lato) – Antiobesity plants (2012). He is the recipient of Young Botanist Award 2006 from Indian Botanical Society and Fellow award from Indian Botanical Society (2013). He is also a recipient of Rolla S. Rao award from Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) (2012) and Fellow of Indian Angiosperm Taxonomy (2012). He also has received a prestigious Prof. Y. S. Murthy gold medal award from Indian Botanical Society for contribution of Angiosperm Taxonomy. He is the Principal Investigator of major research projects funded from UGC, New Delhi, NIF, Ahmedabad, SERB, New Delhi and TBGP-Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Greening Project, Forest Department of Tamil Nadu. He is life member of many scientific societies in India. His research interests in the areas of Angiosperms Taxonomy, Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacology, Plant tissue culture and Conservation biology.
About The Book
The Textbook Taxonomy of Angiosperms has been thoroughly revised in this fourth edition. All the earlier chapters have been revised and brought up-to-date. The chapter on Plant nomenclature has been updated as per the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants. A chapter on recent APG IV Classification has been added. Recent examples on modern methods in plant taxonomy have been given. Computer applications in Plant taxonomy, Molecular plant Taxonomy and DNA Bar coding have been added. Instead of orders account on families has been given along with illustrations which will be useful to the students for the competitive exams.
Table of Contents
Preface (Fourth Edition) v
Preface (Third Edition) vii
Preface (Second Edition) ix
Preface (First Edition) xi
Introduction 1
History of Plant Classification 7
Systems of Classification 37
APG IV Classification 63
Origin of Angiosperms 75
Plant Nomenclature 83
Plant Identification 101
Field and Herbarium Methods 115
Botanical Gardens 131
Modern Methods in Plant Taxonomy 135
Molecular Plant Taxonomy 183
Computer Applications in Plant Taxonomy 195
Biosystematics 205
Botanical Survey of India 211
Selected Families of Angiosperms 217
Economic Botany 303
Botanical Explorations in India and Taxonomists of India 311
Index 319