Sustainability and Management of Aquaculture and Fisheries
by Kumar, Har Darshan
ISBN: 9789354612589
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 15595.00
Biblio : xv+429p, col., plts., glossasry, bib., ind., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Har Darshan Kumar (Ph.D. London, 1963) has taught, lectured, and conducted research in phycology, freshwater biology and environmental biotechnology at several universities in India, Canada, Japan, Germany and other countries. He has since 1989 been a member of the panel on environmental effects of ozone depletion of the UN Environmental Programme. He has published over 150 research and review papers in internationally reputed journals, besides 20 books on diverse areas of modern biology. He has also served as coordinator of the multi-faculty biotechnology programme in Banaras Hindu University.
About The Book
Sustainable water management, food security and water security being some of the most critical issues facing the world in the 21st century - dubbed the “Century of Water”: this monograph outlines various options for proactive management of fisheries and aquaculture to sustainably meet the growing food requirements of millions of people living in developing countries both in rural areas and in cities. Both freshwater and marine fisheries are covered. Besides giving production statistics calculated by various organisations, the book lists traditional as well as potentially promising newer organisms suitable for aquaculture in swamps, ponds, marshes, lakes and mangroves not only as a source of nutritious food but also as employment avenues for small-scale or marginal fisherfolk. The book can server as an introductory text for courses in fisheries and aquaculture both in traditional universities and in marine and freshwater institutes.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: General Introduction; Definitions, Definition of categories, Fish description, Sustainable development, Unsustainable fisheries, Aquaculture sustainability and food security, Wastes for aquaculture, Sustainable use of living marine sustainable, Aquaculture, Role of local governments in sustainable development, Enhancements systems approach to aquaculture, Quality, Safety, Marketing and trade of aquaculture products, Growth enhancement by genetic manipulation management concerns <br/>
Chapter 2: Fish Farming; Introduction, Sustainable aquaculture, Organic aquaculture, Genetics and aquaculture, Nutrition and feeding, Rapid fattening of Wild-caught eels, Exotic species, Salmon farming, Poverty alleviation, Box 2.1 CARP (Cyprinus carpio linnaeus), (Family Cyprinidae), Aquatic resources and the livelihoods of poor people, Water quality: Dissolved oxygen for sustainable aquaculture, Types of systems, Infrastructure and support technologies, Recirculation, Recirculation technology, Some new approaches, Fish cage systems, Inshore-nearshore cage farms, Offshore cage farming, Integrated cage-cum-pond aquaculture system, Abalone culture, Agriculture-aquaculture integration, Choice of fish species, Public health, Fodder-fish integration, Refuges, Stocking for rice-fish culture, Species-specific biology, Feeding and maintenance in rice-fish system, Management, Effects on rice yield, Benefits and potentials, Fish for integrated pest management in rice production, Fish as predators in rice fields, Shrimp farming in the sonoran desert <br/>
Chapter 3: Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture; Introduction, Trends in fishery development, Stock assessment, Global shellfish production, Fisheries and bioeconomics, The value of fisheries, Surplus production models, Stability, Multispecies assessment, Length, weight and age determination, Global synchrony in fish population variations, Marine protected areas, Scales relevant to recruitment in large marine, Ecosystems, Growth, survival and recruitment in large marine ecosystems (LMEs), Growth, Density-independent factors, Intrinsic or innate factors, A generalized concept of recruitment factors, Recruitment research in large marine, Ecosystems, Scallop farming, Sustainable shrimp culture, Aquaculture shrimp culture, Aquaculture in africa, Sustainable commercial aquaculture in sub-saharan africa, Sea urchin aquaculture (Echinoculture), Marine biotechnology and aquaculture, Biosecurity for shrimp aquaculture, Polyploidy in shrimp;
Chapter 4: Coastal Aquaculture; Introduction, Global aquaculture production, Production systems, Cage cultivation, Chemicals and their applications, Soil and water treatments, Fertilizers, Disinfectants, Antibacterial agents, Therapeutants other than antibacterials, Pesticides, Herbicides/Algicides, Feed additives, Hormones, Issues of concern, Persistence, Residues in non-cultured organisms, Toxicity to non-target species, Stimulation of resistance, Effects on sediment biogeochemistry <br/>