Irrigation Agronomy

by V. Ganesaraja

ISBN: 9789354612541
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 8595.00
Biblio : viii+237p.,tabls.,figs., 25 cm

Author Profile

V. Ganesaraja, V.K. Paulpandi, R. Balasubramaniam, T Myrtle Grace, K. Balakrishan <BR> The authors have more than 25 years of rich experience as teachers This has helped them to identify and organize the topics without unnecessary technical complications which is useful to the students community and irrigation managers.

About The Book

A comprehensive idea of Irrigation Agronomy is very essential for graduate and post graduate students of Agricultural Sciences. Irrigation consists of multidisciplinary principles which have to be spelled out in a comprehensive way to understand the Irrigation ecology. Based on the above facts, the approaches can be made to manage the Irrigation eco system in a productive way. Hence, understanding, knowing, Planning, organizing, executing and achieving of all Irrigation technologies need the concept and principles of Irrigation ecosystem. It has wide range of principles not only related to irrigation, but also its meaning on Agronomy in an easy way to understand <BR> The topics identified and dealt are more relevant to the crop production which is the ultimate aim of each and every individual. This book has been written particularly for the students of agricultural sciences to make them understand the principles and practices of Irrigation agronomy and its role in food production.

Table of Contents

Foreivord iii Preface v 1. Importance of water - the liquid gold 1 2. Concept of irrigation management 7 3. Irrigation-development in India 12 4. Surface water resources 19 5. Soil-water relationship 30 6. Soil moisture constants 51 7. Plant-water relationship 60 8. Transpiration 63 9. Crop water requirement 87 10. Measurement of irrigation water 100 11. Irrigation scheduling ·111 12. Irrigation methods 127 13. Irrigation systems 143 14. Irrigation management for field crops 145 15. Management techniques to mitigate water scarcity 148 16. On-farm water management 153 17. Water use efficiency 156 18. Water management for problem soils 160 19. Water logging and field drainage 163 20. Quality of irrigation water 169 21. Seed hardening 178 22. Antitranspirants in drought resistance "187 23. Inter-basin water transfer for augmentation of \,valer resources in India 193 Conversion table 202 Units of water measurement 205 Terminologies 206 References 236