Intellectual Property Rights in Horticulture
by S Kannaiyan
ISBN: 9789354612312
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 11895.00
Biblio : xvi+321p.,figs.,tabls.,anex., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. S. Kannaiyan, Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai is Doctorate in Agriculture Microbiology. He was a post Doctral Fellow in the University of London, UK and also at Charles Kettering Research Institute, Yellowspring, Dayton, USA. After Serving as Visiting Scientist in the University of California , Davis, USA, he shifted his focus on research work to biofertilizers for rice production and scaled to the higher peaks as an international scientist of biofertilizers.
Dr. V.A. Parthasarathy is the former Director of ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research. He is a recipient of ICAR team Award in Horticulture (as leader) during 2002 and was also awarded DBT Overseas Associateship for visit to USA. He has more than 25 years of research experience.
D. Prasath is a scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research. He obtained his Doctorate degree from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and has Certificate Course on Intellectual Property Rights from IGNOU, New Delhi.
About The Book
The Book on “Intellectual Property Rights in Horticulture” is timely and covers all aspects of IPR. The general topics include Biodiversity and IPR issues, Patenting Microorganisms and IPR issues in Biotechnological Interventions. Brief account on Plant Variety Protection, DUS Testing and Geographical Indication are given. The chapter on Procedures in Patent Application Writing will be useful. Approaches and different forms of IPR in fruits, vegetables, ornamental crops, spices, medicinal, aromatic and plantation crops are enumerated. This book would serve students, researchers and industry as a hand book. It may also be used in the curriculum of agricultural universities for providing an overview.
Table of Contents
Disclaimer m
Fore1'vord v
Preface \11
List of Contributors JX
Abbreviations Xl
l Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights 1
2 Biodiversity and IPR Issues in Ho1iicultural Crops 21
3 Plant Variety Protection and DUS Testing-Indian Scenario 59
4 Geographical Indication 88
5 Patent and How to Secure it for your Invention (s)? Procedures in Patent Application Writing 102
6 IPR in Biotechnological Interventions 125
7 Patenting Microorganisms 141
8 Intellectual Property Management in Horticulture 153
9 Frnit Crops 170
10 Vegetables 201
11 Ornamental Crops 221
12 Spices 251
13 Medicinal andAromatic Plants 277
14 Plantation Crops 2 97
Annexure I 320