Agro Cottage Industry Sericulture
by Hiware, C. J.
ISBN: 9789354611810
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 4495.00
Biblio : 2019,.xii+116p.,figs.,ind., 23 cm,
Author Profile
Dr. Chandrashekhar J. Hiware is working as Reader, Department of Zoology, Dr. B.A.M University, Aurangabad (MS).
About The Book
India is agriculture based country majority population from rural areas is totally depending on agriculture. As the Sericulture is an agro-cottage based industry, required lowest investment, having high employment and income generation capacity helping many folds to rural mass and nation too for improve the economic position. In new educational policy Government of India have taken steps to introduce vocational subjects at first degree level through UGC and also at 10+2 level as minimum competency vocational terminal courses in different states. The sericulture is one of the most important subject which provide gainful employment to the youth and satisfy the present need of burning problem, faced by many states. The sericulture is having an immense scope and prospectus for flourishing among all states of India. So taking into consideration the importance and present need of society and educational institution the book have came out on sericulture entitled as “Agro Cottage Industry Sericulture”. The book covers all important and critical steps involved to make sericulture industry successful. It covers the part of general sericulture, type of silk worm their systematic position, distribution, history etc. Some of the topics are devoted to morphology life cycle of B. mori. The book also covers the unavoidable part of sericulture industry i.e. Moriculture, Grainage operation, Rearing of Silk worms, Diseases and pests of Mulberry and Mulberry silk worm and last part deals with the post harvest technology of Reeling. All aspects are dealt with simple easy language and nice diagrams. The book is needed for students, sericulturists, farmers, researchers, staff engaged in sericulture industry in many areas. The students will get will benefited by this book, because the subject is already introduced in Maharashtra state by all University and Boards.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction and History of Sericulture <br/>
Chapter 2: Types of Silk Worm and Their Distribution <br/>
Chpater 3: Systematic Position of Mulberry and Non-mulberry Silk Worms (Taxonomic Position of Silk Worms) <br/>
Chapter 4: Morphology of Bombyx mori (i) Silk Worm (B. mori) Egg, (ii) Silk Worm (B. mori) Larva, (iii) Silk Worm (B. mori) Pumpa, (iv) Silk Worm (B. mori) Adult <br/>
Chapter 5: Life Cycle of Silk Worm (Bombyx mori) <br/>
Chapter 6: Silk Grand: Structure and Function <br/>
Chapter 7: Mulberry Cultivation (Moriculture) (i) Origin and Distribution of Morus Plant, (ii) Systematic Position and Morphology of Mulberry (Morus) (iii) Climatic Conditions and Soil Type Required for Mulberry, (iv) Mulberry Plantation, (v) Maintenance of Mulberry Garden, Irrigaed and Rainfed <br/>
Chapter 8: Diseases and Pests of Mulberry, (A) Diseases (i) Bacterial, (ii) Mycoplasma, (iii) Fungal, (iv) Viral, (v) Diseases Caused by Nematodes, (B) Pests (i) Leaf Eating Catterpillar, (ii) Jassids, (iii) Thrips, (iv) Mealy Bugs, (v) Scale Insects, (vi) School Gall Midges, (vii) Mites, (viii) Nematodes <br/>
Chapter 9: Silk Worm Egg Production (Grainage Operation) (i) Types of Eggs, Selection, Preservation of Seeds Cocoons and Preparation of Sheet Eggs (ii) Hot and Cold Acid Treatment, (iii) Acid Preparation <br/>
Chapter 10: Silk Worm Rearing, (A) Rearing House (i) Selection of Proper Site, (ii) Model Rearing House Complex, (B) Rearing Equipments, (C) Preparation of Rearing Cleaning, Disinfection of Rearing House and Equipments, (D) Hatching of Silkworm Eggs Incubation and Black Boxing, (E) Burshing of Sil Worm and Methods of Brushing, (F) Feeding of Silk Worm, (G) Bed Cleaning and Methods of Bed Cleaning, (H) Spacing Shcedule and Its Importance, (I) Moulting, (J) Rearing Methods of Silk Worm, (K) Mouting, Spinning, Harvesting and Marketing of Cocoons,
Chapter 11: Introduction to Silk Worm Diseases (i) Protozoan Disease, (ii) Bacterial Disease, (iii) Viral Disease (iv) Fungal Disease <br/>
Chapter 12: Silk Worm Pests (i) Uzi Fly, (ii) Dermestid Beetle, (iii) Mites, (iv) Ants, (v) Lizards, (vi) Birds, (vii) Rats and Squirrels, (viii) Nematodes <br/>
Chapter 13: Introduction to Post Harvest Technology or Reeling (i) Cocoon Stiffling and Methods of Cocoons Stiffling, (ii) Cocoon Cooking or Boiling, Brushing and Methods of Cooking, (iii) Reeling Machinery a. Country Charkha, b. Cottage Basin, c. Filature and Automatic Reeling Machine <br/>