Harvesting Aquatic Resources

by K P Biswas

ISBN: 9789354611391
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 7695.00
Biblio : viii+210p., 122 figs., tables., bib., ind., 25 cm

Author Profile

Dr. K.P. Biswas, M.Sc., Ph.D., D.F.Sc. (Bombay), E.F. (West Germany), F.Z.S., F.A.B.S. (Kolkata), Former Joint Director Fisheries (LI), Government of Orissa, Director Fisheries, A&N Islands, Government of India, Principal, Fisheries Training Institute, Fishery Technologist (ICAR), and at present Faculty Member of Marine Science Department, University of Calcutta and West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences. The author operated 28 wooden fishing trawlers (32 - 48 feet LOA) from Paradeep Orissa during 1968-69 and four 57 feet steel polish trawlers during 1971-72 in Odisha coast of Bay of Bengal and is conversent with trawl fishery in Indian coast.

About The Book

In the book, “Harvesting Aquatic Resources”, the harvesting of living aquatic resources, directly or indirectly useful to man has been dealt, with special reference to fish, crustaceans and sea weeds, consumed directly by the mankind. Besides, describing the ancient methods of capture of these aquatic animals and the gradual evolution of fishing methods and gears the biotic communities with respect to their habitat, mode of life and migration pattern, the principles and operation of today’s fishing gears and methods have been outlined in details in the book. Efficient fishing methods and the highest advancements with the advent of mechanisation of fishing crafts in modern times, leading to dramatic increase in fishery production have find place in the book. New ways of capturing fish by employing a single pole electric current to form a sort of abstract net, and sophisticated ideas with highly automated equipments, some of which are still engineering dreams, may bring revolution in obtaining greater catch per unit time of actual fishing in future, have been discussed in the book.

Table of Contents

Contents Chapter 1: Biotic Communities; Chapter 2: Traditional Harvesting Methods; Chapter 3: Modern Harvesting Methods; Chapter 4: Trawlers; Chapter 5: Boat Seine; Chapter 6: Purse Seine; Chapter 7: Dip Net; Chapter 8: Gill Net; Chapter 9: Set Net; Chapter 10: Barricade Fishing; Chapter 11: Deck Machineries of Fishing Boats; Chapter 12: New Ways of Capturing Fish; Chapter 13: Fishing in the Future.