Textbook on Meat, Poultry and Fish Technology

by Chatli, Jhari Sahoo & Manish Kumar

ISBN: 9789351308478
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 23995.00
Biblio : xv+836p., figs., tables, ind., 25cm

Author Profile

Dr. Jhari Sahoo, obtained his M.V. Sc. (APT) from HAU, Hisar and Ph.D. (LPT) from IVRI, Izatnagar. He has about 32 years of experience as teaching faculty. He served for a long period of 21years at Department of Animal Products technology, CCSHAU, Hisar in the capacity of Assistant professor, Associate professor and Professor. Later on he joined to the post of professor on dt.22.12.2003 at PAU, Ludhiana and remained Professor-cum-Head from dt.06.01.2004 to dt.12.08.2012 in the Department of Livestock Products Technology at PAU/GADVASU. <BR> Dr Manish Kumar Chatli, has more than 16 year experience in industry, teaching, research and extension in the area of Livestock Products Technology. He worked as Dairy Manager, Bombay and Assistant Professor at CSK HPKV, Palampur. He has joined PAU as Associate Professor in 2003 and subsequently promoted to Professor in 2009 and Head position in 2012.

About The Book

The book entitled “Textbook on Meat, Poultry and Fish Technology” contains Part I Fresh Meat technology Chapter 1-11 containing History and development; Structure and chemistry of animal tissues; Postmortem changes- rigor mortis; Effect of transport on meat quality; PSE and DFD in meat quality; Composition, essential nutrients in meat and poultry meat; General quality characterization; Meat microbiology; Factors affecting; Tenderization; and Chemical residues. Part II Poultry and Fish Technology Chapter 12–30 contains History and development; Anti-nutrients and antibiotics effect on egg and meat; Quality identification and quality maintenance of poultry meat; Structure, chemical, nutritional and microbiological quality of poultry meat; Nutritive value, preservation and packaging techniques; Quality identification and factors influencing the quality; Pre-slaughter care, transportation, resting, fasting, ante-mortem examination; Methods of slaughter and slaughtering procedure-postmortem inspection; Yield and loss in poultry carcass component parts; Structure, nutritive value, compositional chemistry, microbiology and functional properties of eggs; Low cholesterol-cum-designer eggs; GMP, HACCP, Codex regulation for food products safety, WTO/GOI regulations; National and international regulations, Utilization of fish processing waste; Fishery resources, fishes, transportation, processing, preservation, grading standards; Post-processing value added meat for export-integration, poultry and fish processing and marketing; Storage, packaging, preservation methods; Cooking and preparation of further processed poultry and fish products. <BR> This is a dependable textbook not only for the students of all Veterinary Colleges of India, but also it serves as a helpful guide to the teaching faculty who are engaged in teaching in the area of Livestock Products Technology/Animal Products Technology/Meat Science and Technology/Food Science and Technology.

Table of Contents

Preface v Part I–Fresh Meat Technology 1. History and Development of Meat Science and Meat Industry, Current Trends and Prospects of Meat Industry 3 2. Structure and Chemistry of Animal Tissues 43 3. Muscle Functions and Postmortem Changes: Rigor Mortis, Conversion of Muscle to Meat 85 4. Effect of Transport on Meat Quality: Its Veterinary and Clinical Importance 103 5. PSE and DFD in Meat Quality 113 6. Composition, Essential Nutrients in Meat and Poultry Meat 129 7. General Quality Characterization and Evaluation of Meat and Meat Products 151 8. Meat Microbiology 195 9. Factors Affecting Quality of Meat 205 10. Tenderization of Meat 261 11. Chemical Residues in Meat and their Effects on the Health of the Consumer 287 Part II–Poultry and Fish Technology 12. History and Development of Poultry Meat and Egg Processing Industry 321 13. Commonly Occurring Anti-Nutrients, and Antibiotics in Poultry Feed Ingredients and its Effect on Egg and Meat Nutrition 337 14. Quality Identification and Quality Maintenance of Poultry Meat 347 15. Structure, Chemical, Nutritional and Microbiological Quality of Poultry Meat 361 16. Nutritive Value, Preservation and Packaging Techniques of Shelled and Liquid Eggs 387 17. Quality Identification of Shell Eggs and Factors Influencing the Quality 417 18. Pre-slaughter Care, Transportation, Resting, Fasting, Ante-mortem Examination 425 19. Methods of Slaughter and Slaughtering Procedure-Postmortem Inspection, Reasons for Condemnation of Carcass 437 20. Yield And Loss in Poultry Carcass Component Parts, Deboned Meat Quality and Grading of Dressed Chicken 471 21. Structure, Nutritive Value, Compositional Chemistry, Microbiology and Functional Properties of Eggs 487 22. Low Cholesterol-cum-Designer Eggs 531 23. GMP, HACCP Procedures for Food Safety, Codex Regulation for Food Products Safety, WTO/GOI Regulations for Import and Export of Poultry Products 541 24. National and International Rgulations, Standards, Quality Control and Marketing of Fish and Fish Products 575 25. Utilization of Fish Processing Waste 595 26. Fishery Resources, Marine and Freshwater Fishes, Transportation, Processing, Preservation, Grading Standards 607 27. Post-processing Value Added Meat for Export-Integration, Poultry and Fish Processing and Marketing 647 28. Storage and Packaging of Poultry and Fish Products 657 29. Preservation Methods of Poultry Meat and Fish Products 713 30. Cooking Methods and Preparation of Further Processed Poultry and Fish Products 777 Index 825