Lightning Science and Lightning Protection Some Selected Topics
by NAM S
ISBN: 9789351308072
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4995.00
Biblio : xii+129p., figs., tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is an inter-governmental organisation with a membership of 47 countries spread over Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. Besides this, 12 S&T agencies and academic / research institutions of Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, India, Nigeria and Turkey are the members of the S&T-Industry Network of the Centre. The Centre was set up in 1989 to promote South-South cooperation through mutually beneficial partnerships among scientists and technologists and scientific organisations in developing countries. It implements a variety of programmes including international workshops, meetings, roundtables, training courses and collaborative projects and brings out scientific publications, including a quarterly Newsletter. It is also implementing 5 Fellowship schemes, namely, NAM S&T Centre Research Fellowship, Joint NAM S&T Centre – ICCBS Karachi Fellowship, Joint CSIR / CFTRI (Diamond Jubilee) - NAM S&T Centre Fellowship, Joint NAM S&T Centre – ZMT Bremen Fellowship and Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS) in Indian institutions. These activities provide, among others, the opportunity for scientist-to-scientist contact and interaction, training and expert assistance, familiarising the scientific community on the latest developments and techniques in the subject areas, and identification of technologies for transfer between member countries. The Centre has so far brought out 62 publications and has organised 94 international workshops and training programmes. <BR> For further details, please visit or write to the Director, NAM S&T Centre, Core 6A, 2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, India (Phone: +91-11-24645134/ 24644974; Fax: +91-11-24644973; E-mail:;
About The Book
Lightning has always greatly fascinated, awed and frightened the humankind with its spectacular intense tree-like flashes. Though lightning and thunderstorms are vital to our life as they make nitrogen and also oxygen and free radicals available to the plants and other terrestrial organisms, these are capable of causing wild land fires, human and animal death due to electrocution/fire and if in close proximity, temporary deafness and rupturing of the ear's tympanic membrane due to loud cracking sound produced by the strike. The action of lightning’s electrical and magnetic fields and the lightning current on industrial premises, power transmission lines, underground communications, aircraft and their electrical circuits and induction of dangerous over voltage are well known. Lightning is known to have caused extensive exterior and interior damage to structures. <BR> Lightning is a natural hazard causing serious economical losses and personal injuries and deaths in many parts of the world. Especially in South and East Asia, Africa and South America, the problem is quite acute due to the high occurrence density of lighting, the large population and the rapid and unplanned industrialisation. The lack of information in the NAM and other developing countries regarding the lightning related characteristics is one barrier that hinders the development of protection systems. The other barrier is the poor knowledge among the engineering community on lightning and lightning protection and the lack of awareness among the general public in lightning safety. <BR> This publication is a follow up of the International Training Programme on ‘African Regional Training Programme on Lightning Protection’ organised by the NAM S&T Centre in Kampala, Uganda during 4-8 February 2013 jointly with the State House, Uganda and various Ministries and agencies of the Government of the Republic of Uganda. <BR> The book includes 11 scientific and technical papers from the experts and professionals of 9 countries and presents noteworthy insights on lightning protection and concerned management strategies. It would be useful for the lightning researchers, experts and practitioners in this field and will help the African countries in working out appropriate strategy, laws, policies and programmes for the protection of life and property from the dangers of lightning.
Table of Contents
Foreword v <BR> HE Engineer Hilary Onek <BR> Preface vii <BR> Estelle Trengove and Foster Chileshe Lubasi <BR> Introduction ix <BR> Arun P. Kulshreshtha <BR> 1. The Lightning Protection IEC 62305 International Standard 1 <BR> Christian Bouquegneau (Belgium) <BR> 2. Lightning Protection of Power Transmission Lines and <BR> Distribution Transformers 31 <BR> Baboucarr Awe (Gambia) <BR> 3. Lightning Casualties Side-Flashed in Buildings 37 <BR> Robert Jallan’go Akello (Kenya) <BR> 4. Implications of the Imbalance among Knowledge, Attitudes and <BR> Practice (KAP) Concerning Lightning in Malawi 49 <BR> Gilbert Reginald Phiri (Malawi) <BR> 5. Protection against Lightning : Standards and Applications 55 <BR> Hasbi Ismailoglu (Turkey) <BR> 6. Lightning Hazard Mitigation in Uganda 67 <BR> Ahurra Kulyaka Mary, Chandima Gomes and Richard Tushemereirwe (Uganda) <BR> 7. Kasese and Kisoro Non-Directional Beacon (NDB-436) <BR> Lightning Protection 85 <BR> Barongo Ronny and Macho David (Uganda) <BR> 8. Are Lightning Injuries Different in Developing Countries? 93 <BR> Mary Ann Cooper (USA) <BR> 9. Country Status Paper on Lightning Protection, Zambia 105 <BR> Foster Chileshe Lubasi (Zambia) <BR> 10. Lightning in Zimbabwe: Statistics, Costs and Protection 119 <BR> Beaula Chipoyera (Zimbabwe) <BR> 11. Lightning Incidents in Zimbabwe 125 <BR> Jephias Mugumbate (Zimbabwe)__