Review on Chironomids

by Deepak Rawal

ISBN: 9789351307488
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4495.00
Biblio : ix+46 p., figs.,ref., 25 cm

Author Profile

Dr. Deepak Rawal (SET, CSIR-NET, Ph.D.) is an eminent zoologist working in the field of Entomology. He is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Zoology, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (India). He got his expertise on Chironomids during his Ph.D. work, till then he is working on Chironomids.

About The Book

When I was doing my Ph.D., my research area was related to Chironomids and I found that no book is giving comprehensive details about it and peoples are not taking them seriously because of their non biting habits. Then I decided to write this book so in future there is a easy way to get information about Chironomids who wants to research in the field of Chironomids. This book is based on published papers related to research area of Chironomids. Each paper is thoroughly studied and interpreted by me, whose summary I am going to give in this book. Review in this book is arranged chronologically for convenience in readings to readers. Bibliography at the end of this book is according to APS style.

Table of Contents

Prefece v <BR> Acknoledgement vii <BR> 1. Introduction 1 <BR> 2. A Review on Chironomids 7 <BR> 3. References 40 <BR> 4 Abbreviations 47