Sustainable Agriculture: A Search for Innovations
by Singh, Vir et al eds
ISBN: 9789351304920
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xvi+215p., fig., tabls., bib., ind., 23 cm
About The Book
Sustainable agriculture development is not only necessary but also an imperative of our times. Agriculture cannot and should not be less than being sustainable. Sustainable agriculture means a vibrant, happy, progressive and sustainable society. India has a vast experience of creating innovations in agriculture. Sustainability, in fact, cannot be realized without articulation of innovations. Innovations are crux of sustainability. This book collates selected articles of scholars reflecting, searching, discovering, inventing and articulating innovations in food production and agricultural systems. The articles attempt to conceive ideas and insight of sustainable agriculture, involving cropping, livestock and livelihood systems. The scholars attempt to raise and resolve various issues concerning agricultural sustainability, underline farmers’ knowledge, experimentation, innovations and strategies, and also reveal various technologies and institutional interventions vital for articulating innovations and operationalizing sustainability in agriculture.