Stress Agronomy
by N K Prasad
ISBN: 9789351304890
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 6995.00
Biblio : xii+186p.,figs.,tabls.,bib.,ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Professor (Dr.) N.K. Prasad is a former Professor (Agronomy), BAU, Ranchi and Professor (Agriculture) in Ethiopian Universities is the recipient of the Common Wealth countries fellowship sponsored by the Reading University, UK for Post Doctoral Research and Training on “Micronutrients nutrition to a series of legumes” at CSIRO, QLD., Australia for his outstanding research achievement on Lucerne production in acid soils of India. He has published about 100 research papers in different National and International Journals of repute and guided several M.Sc. students in India and abroad encluding Ph. D. Scholars of Agronomy and Soil Sciences in India.
About The Book
The present book "Stress Agronomy" is aimed to address the past, present issues together with expected changes in soils and climate in future, The thrust is aimed to meet the challenges through evolution and adoption of new technologies in agriculture sector to facilitate the coming generations to avail a pollution free life, The information gathered here may be an eye opening for agriculturists, environmentalists, climatologists, planners and policy makers to take knowledge of present day burning issues of atmospheric, terrestrial, oceanic changes and global warming due to emission of poisonous gases on one hand and heavy metal toxicity in soil and air on the other. Hence, the scientist community and policy makers have to bring out balance between human population and their requirement without extreme exploitation of the natural resources for a sustainable eco-friendly system. If, not, global warming is a worth warning which may prove to be a global harming due to possible change in bio-planet to a non-living one. This book will serve as valuable text cum reference book to the students and researchers of agricultural universities.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement v <BR> Preface vii <BR> Abbreviations ix <BR> 1. Introduction 1 <BR> Part I–Soil Stress <BR> 2. Soil Acidity 9 <BR> 3. Soil Alkalinity 18 <BR> 4. Soil Salinity 27 <BR> 5. Flooded Soils 35 <BR> 6. Drought Stress 44 <BR> 7. Agronomy of Drought Stress 57 <BR> 8. Nutrient Stress 67 <BR> 9. Water Requirement 77 <BR> Part II–Climate Stress <BR> 10. Population and Pollution 89 <BR> 11. Soil and Water Pollution 97 <BR> 12. Light Energy Harvest 111 <BR> 13. Photosynthetic Stress 121 <BR> 14. Respiratory Stress 143 <BR> 15. Abiotic Stress and Crops 148 <BR> 16. Biotic Stress and Crops 166 <BR> 17. Mitigation of Polluting Agents 173 <BR> References 181 <BR> Index 183