Soil Health Improvement through Biofertilizers
by Sudhir, Pradhan
ISBN: 9789351304876
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8495.00
Biblio : x+222p., fig., tabls., bib., ind., 23 cm
About The Book
The book on Improve soil health through N-, P- fixing biofertilizers deals with first chapter on 'Symbiotic nitrogenous biofertilzer' in which rhizobia are discussed in detail, as their methodology, field tests, measurement of biological–fixation culture maintenance have been explained. In second chapter 'Free living Nitrogenous bacteria' for instance Azotoba c t e r i s e l abor a t ed, a s i t s characterstics, distribution, synthesis, maintenance and culturing, and effect on plants are discussed. In third chapter occurrence, geographic distribution, and c rop produc t ivi ty of 'Azopi r i l lum biofertilizer' is elaborated. The chapter four deals with ' Phosphorus solubilizing microorganisms' and explains proton enzyme theory, microbial inoculation and crop yields, effect of pyrites in rock solubilization etc. The chapter five focus on'Mycorrhizae as biofertilizer' by classifying ectomycorrhiza, endomycorrhiza, ectendo- mycorrhiza Arbutoid mycor rhiza,Monot ropoid mycorrhiza, Orchidaceous mycorrhiza, Ericoid mycorrhiza and its effect on plants. The chapter six deals with Development of Biofertilizer Industry.