Soil Conservation Management and Analysis
by Rao, Madireddi V. Subba
ISBN: 9789351304852
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xii+96+118p.,glossary, 23
Author Profile
Dr. Madireddi V. Subba Rao got his M.Sc. Zoology with Ist Class and Ist Rank in 1963 from Agra University, Agra; awarded Ph.D for his studies on 'Eco-Physiology of two selected lizards' in 1968 from Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati. He was Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Creedmoor State Hospital,Queens,NewYork, USA in 1969 and D.Sc. (IOU, Sri Lanka) in 1997. He was Visiting Professor in Biology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, L.I.,New York, USA (1969). He worked as a Senior Professor, Chairman and Coordinator, Department of Environmental Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India and retired in 2001. Now he is a President in Environmental Research Academy, International (EnRA).
About The Book
Soil Conservation, Management and Analysis comprehensively reviews the state of knowledge on soil. It discusses in detail soil conservation topics in relation to soil productivity, environment quality and agronomic production. This book also gives various analytical techniques/methods together for evaluation of soil quality parameters. <BR> This book is suitable for both undergraduate and post-graduate students interested in soil conservation, management and analysis. It is equally useful to the agriculturists, Pollution Control Boards, industries, policy makers, extension workers as well as for the research professional in the soil laboratory.
Table of Contents
Foreword (vii-viii) <BR> Preface (ix-x) <BR> Chapters <BR> 1. Formation of Land 1-12 <BR> 2. Waste and Wet Land Management 13-20 <BR> 3. Landscape Ecology 21-29 <BR> 4. Soil Erosion and Soil Depletion 30-47 <BR> 5. Desertification and its Impact on Soils in India 48-55 <BR> 6. Environmental Modeling 56-60 <BR> 7. Preserve Planet Earth 61-63 <BR> 8. RIO Earth Summit 64-66 <BR> 9. Environmental Effects with Special reference to <BR> Soils on Dams, Forests and Tribals 67-71 <BR> 10. Environmental Education, Monitoring and Soil <BR> Management 72-81 <BR> Appedices 82-96 <BR> 1. Scientists’ Prescription to make Soil Fertile 82-83 <BR> 2. Land in India 84-85 <BR> 3. Environmental Superlatives 86-87 <BR> 4. Addresses of International Organizations/ <BR> NGOs/Funding Agencies 88-96 <BR> Unit-I <BR> 1. Introduction 1-4 <BR> 2. Lithosphere 5-9 <BR> 3. Definition of Soil 10-10 <BR> 4. Formation of Soil 11-13 <BR> 5. Kinds (Types) of Soil in India 14-16 <BR> 6. Soil Profile 17-19 <BR> 7. Classification of Soils 20-22 <BR> 8. Characteristics of Different Soil Types 23-27 <BR> 9. Physical Characters of Soil 28-30 <BR> 10. Chemical and Colloidal Characters of Soil (Chemical Weathering) 31-31 <BR> 11. Biological Characters of Soil (Sustainable Agriculture) 32-33 <BR> 12. Soil Organisms: Plants, Microorganisms and Animals 34-36 <BR> 13. Soil Conservation and Management 37-47 <BR> 14. Desertification of Soils 48-50 <BR> 15. General Soil Map 51-53 <BR> Unit-II <BR> 16. Soil Analysis 54-109 <BR> Acknowledgements 110 <BR> Bibliography 111 <BR> Glossary 112-118