Scientific Cultivation of Mushroom

by Chauhan, Nikulsinh M et al

ISBN: 9789351304807
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4995.00
Biblio : xi+123p., col. plts., figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm

About The Book

"Mushrooms have been described as “ Food for God” in classic writing of “Vedas”. The earliest word in Sanskrit appeared to be ksumpa, in Hindi as Kumbhi in Gujarati it is known as Biladino Top. Chinese people were the first to do the artificial cultivation of the mushroom about thousand yars ago systematic study of mushroom fungi is only 250 years old real commercial cultivation of button mushroom started by Europeans during 16th & 17th Century. Mushroom cultivation in India began in the year 1962 in Himachal Pradesh at Solan. This first improvised small mushroom farm was established by the Government of India at Solan in 1965. Since then mushroom production in India has increased from 7000 tons in the years 1983 to 70,000 tons in the years 2004. This production is quite low as compared to other mushroom growing countries of the world. <BR> Mushrooms are not group of edible fungi they belong to the plant nor to the animal do they belong to separate group of organism cell gungi (Mycota). They lack chlorophyll So cannot prepare their own food depend on the outside source for their nutritional requirement. Mushrooms are macro fruiting bodies or reproductive structures emanating from the mycelium with a distinctive fruiting body which can be either epigeous or hypogeous and large enough to be seen by naked eye and to be picked by hand. Not all mushrooms are edible, but some are highly poisonous, while edible fleshy fungi are called mushrooms, poisonous ones are termed ‘toadstools’. It has been estimated that out of 10,000 species of fleshy fungi about half of them are edible and as many as 100 species are highly poisonous. <BR> "