Livelihood Sustainability through Agro-biodiversity Conservation- A Socio-Economic Study
by C Cinthia Fernandaz
ISBN: 9789351304326
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xiii+215p.,plts., tabls., figs., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr. C. Cinthia Fernandaz, Assistant Professor of Extension in the Department of Forest Resource Management, Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam. She has eight years of experience in the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (CARDS), TNAU, Coimbatore and the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sirugamani, Trichy in the specialized areas of Agricultural Extension, Forestry Extension, Technology Transfer, Information and Communication Tools, Gender issues in Agriculture and Rural Development and Environmental Extension. Area of research in post graduate and doctoral programme was Gender issues. She was awarded with the President of India Award for the Best Doctoral Research for Poverty Alleviation by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore in 2010. She had a brief of experience as Field Officer, Spices Board, Cochin. She has four years of experience in teaching, research and extension. She has co-authored two books, more than 15 research articles in journals of National and international repute. She is currently working in the specialized area of Forestry Extension and Environmental Education through Teaching, Research and Extension.
About The Book
The world todays rounds behind the Biodiversity and its conservation. It has been realized that there is no life beyond biodiversity. This attempt on Livelihood Sustainability through Agrobiodiversity Conservation is to document and index the level of participation of the Tribal women in the conservation. The Nilgiris would be the apt place for the study. Participation of tribal women in agro biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihood through agrobiodiversity conservation were considered as the dependent variables in the present study. Among the twelve components studied seven components influence the livelihood sustainability. These components were food sustainability, nutritional security, soil and water sustainability, economic sustainability and employment generation. The constraints were technological constraints, transfer of technology constraints, physical constraints, economic constraints, personal constraints and marketing constraints. <BR> There were nearly twenty three suggestions among which providing timely environmental education was the foremost suggestion given by all the respondents. Hence awareness campaigns and exhibitions could be arranged to impart the importance of agrobiodiversity conservation. Training on recent technologies of agrobiodiversity conservation practices and knowledge on technological management were the other important suggestions. The empirical evidences from the study were taken to develop a module on environmental education for sustainable livelihood. It would be utilized for the various stakeholders such as school students, college or university levels and NGOs.