Groundwater Pollution
by Bharti, Pawan Kumar
ISBN: 9789351304128
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8995.00
Biblio : xi+243p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Groundwater
2.1 Pollution
2.2 Industrilization
2.3 Chemicals
2.4 Heavy Metals
2.5 Groundwater
2.6 Effect on Environment
3. Water and Human Health
3.1 Water and Human health
3.2 Sources of water:
3.3 Phases of Surface Water
3.4 Threshold Levels of Heavy Metals
3.5 Reference Values
4. Water Quality Standards
4.1 Remediation
4.2 Quality Standards
5. National Water Policy
5.1 Water Demand
5.2 Need for Policy
5.3 National Water Policy
6. Water Resources Management
6.1 Water on Earth
6.2 Distribution of Water
6.3 Water Demand and Crisis
6.4 Global Supply and Demand for Water
6.5 Possible Solutions
7. Groundwater Recharging
7.1 General
7.2 Groundwater Recharging
7.3 Recharging of Groundwater: Indian Scenario
7.4 Methods of Artificial Recharging
7.5 Advantage of Groundwater Recharging
7.6 Disadvantage of Groundwater Recharging
7.7 Rainwater Harvesting
7.8 Harvesting Potential
7.9 Runoff Coefficient
8. Groundwater Modeling
8.1 Movement of Groundwater
8.2 Groundwater Flow Pattern
8.3 Darcy and Linear Velocity/Flow Velocity
8.4 Flow of Heavy Metals in Unsaturated Soils
8.5 Equation for the Transport Model
8.6 Groundwater Monitoring Techniques
8.7 Concept of Groundwater Modeling
9. A Case Study: Panipat
9.1 Industrial Area and Research Protocol
9.1.1 History of Panipat
9.1.2 Background
9.1.3 Status of Industries in Area
9.1.4 Sampling Programme and Sampling Sites
9.1.5 Sampling Methods
9.1.6 Sample Collection, Preservation, Dilution and Digestion
9.1.7 Analytical Methods
9.2 Effluent’s Chemical Characteristics
9.2.1 Industrial Effluent
9.2.2 Historical Resume
9.2.3 Observations
9.2.4 Discussion
9.2.5 Physico-chemical Parameters of Textile Effluents
9.2.6 Physico-chemical Parameters of Drain Sediment
9.3 Impact on Surface Water
9.3.1 Surface Water
9.3.2 Historical Resume
9.3.3 Observations
9.3.4 Discussion
9.3.5 Physico-chemical Parameters of Pond Water
9.3.6 Physico-chemical Parameters of Pond Sediment
9.4 Impact on Groundwater
9.4.1 Groundwater
9.4.2 Historical Resume
9.4.3 Observations
9.4.4 Discussion
9.4.5 Physico-chemical Parameters of Groundwater
9.5 Heavy Metals Route
9.5.1 General
9.5.2 Historical Resume
9.5.3 Metal Analysis
9.5.4 About AAS (4129 Model)
9.5.5 Observations
9.5.6 Discussion
9.5.7 Transfer of Heavy Metals
9.5.8 Accumulation of Heavy Metals
9.5.9 Conclusion