Fundamentals of Horticulture

by Kaushal Kumar Misra, Rajesh Kumar

ISBN: 9789351304098
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8495.00
Biblio : xiv+218p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

About The Book

The “Fundamentals of Horticulture” has been divided into eighteen chapters. The book has been divided into introduction, Plant structures, climate and horticulture, plant growth regulators, plant propagation, unfruitfulness, pollination and juvenility, orchard establishment, systems of training, nutrient management, water management, types of vegetable gardens, spices and condiments, medicinal and aromatic plants, garden types and its parts, care and maintenance of ornamental plants, knowledge of landscaping in rural and urban areas, making and management of lawn and general principles of fruits and vegetables preservation. At the end of each chapter a series of questions have been given to help the students to check his understanding and grasping capacity. The selected references presented at the end can be useful to obtain further information. In the last, glossary containing related terms have been given. The efforts have been made to describe various chapters of book in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The subject matter illustrated with tables, figures and photographs whenever felt necessary. The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate students and teachers in the field of Horticulture.