Freshwater Fish Culture Vol. 2
by S. K. Sarkar
ISBN: 9789351304029
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 16995.00
Biblio : xiv+542p.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
The fishery sector is important from Indian economy view point as it contributes a source of income to a number of fishermen and has huge export potential. Now-a-days, the fish and fisheries industry is one of the fastest growing international commodity markets globally. This book do not present not only exhaustive methodology but also strikes some balance between practical applications and more technical considerations. The book provides a comprehensive description of the production and husbandry of commercially important species of fish. <BR> Current research reports and development on the subject concerned have been meticulously incorporated in this book. Citations have been identified not only for illustrative value, but also to serve as starting points for those wishing to pursue particular topics in depth. The references cited throughout this book reflect the dedicated efforts of many workers over the years. So many books on the subject concerned exist and each of them is highly appreciated and recommended as a reference book. These books are, however, generally considered for research work and the students are unable to follow the sequence of the topic of interest and also to swallow the text for the purpose of examination as the subject matters are found in various places. The author has tried at best to bring out vast subject matters in such a way that the students of fisheries science can enjoy a lot on freshwater fish culture. <BR> The clarity of writing and completeness of detail makes it suitable for interested lay-persons and trained professional fish culturists. It will serve for many years as a text-cum-reference book for anyone interested in freshwater fish culture.
About The Book
The fishery sector is important from Indian economy view point as it contributes a source of income to a number of fishermen and has huge export potential. Now-a-days, the fish and fisheries industry is one of the fastest growing international commodity markets globally. This book do not present not only exhaustive methodology but also strikes some balance between practical applications and more technical considerations. The book provides a comprehensive description of the production and husbandry of commercially important species of fish. <BR> Current research reports and development on the subject concerned have been meticulously incorporated in this book. Citations have been identified not only for illustrative value, but also to serve as starting points for those wishing to pursue particular topics in depth. The references cited throughout this book reflect the dedicated efforts of many workers over the years. So many books on the subject concerned exist and each of them is highly appreciated and recommended as a reference book. These books are, however, generally considered for research work and the students are unable to follow the sequence of the topic of interest and also to swallow the text for the purpose of examination as the subject matters are found in various places. The author has tried at best to bring out vast subject matters in such a way that the students of fisheries science can enjoy a lot on freshwater fish culture. <BR> The clarity of writing and completeness of detail makes it suitable for interested lay-persons and trained professional fish culturists. It will serve for many years as a text-cum-reference book for anyone interested in freshwater fish culture.
Table of Contents
1. General Organizations and Biology of Fishes
2. History and Developnent of Fish Culture
3. Importance of Fish Culture in Rural Development
4. Fish Culture and Rural Developnent With Reference to Economic Criteria
5. Role of Environmental Factors in Relation to Fish Culture
6. Culture of Carnivorous Fishes
7. Culture of Exotic Fishes
8. Fish Culture in Paddy Fields
9. Fish Culture in Cages
10. Fish, Fisheries and Fish Culture in Mountain Regions
11. Fish Production From Reservoirs
12. Role of Periphyton and Microalgae in Fish Culture"