Food Processing Technology in Agro - Based Sector
by Sasikumar, R, R. Sasikumar
ISBN: 9789351303961
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 10995.00
Biblio : xii+312p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm., 800 gms
About The Book
Primarily intended as a text for graduate and post graduate in Agri-Business Management and Food Technology, Food Processing Technology, Food Preservation, Post Harvest technology, Quality Control Assurance, Home Science, etc., this up-to-date and accessible text gives an indepth information on food processing technology in an easy-to-read as Indian style. The book gives a masterly analysis of topic ranging from the principles of food processing, processing technology of cereals, fruits and vegetables, milk, beverages, egg, poultry and meat. It also provides standard technology of food packaging and how to set up a small scale food processing industry in rural areas, thereby enabling to bridge the gap between technology and agri-business. This well-organized text presents the latest food processing technology in India, which offers low cost technology in the rural areas with various food products range.Besides students, the farmers, small entrepreneurs and NGO.s would find the book to be a valuable resource. Distinguishing Features O The book is self-contained and students friendly O Technology in the form of business model O Large number of example, recent processing technology, diagrams and tables illustrate the concepts discussed in the text
Table of Contents
1. An Overview of Indian Food Processing Sector
2. Principles of Food Preservation and Processing Technology
3. Cereal Technology
4. Fruits and Vegetables Technology
5. Beverages Technology
6. Dairy Technology
7. Egg and Poultry Processing Technology
8. Fish Processing Technology
9. Meat Processing Technology
10. Food Package Technology
11. Setting Up a Small-Scale Food Processing Unit in India