Conservation of Fishery Resource
by K P Biswas
ISBN: 9789351303671
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9995.00
Biblio : xvii+279p.,figs.,tabls.,ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
"Dr. K.P. Biswas, M.Sc, Ph.D, D.F.Sc (Bombay), E.F. (West Germany), F.Z.S, F.A.B.S. (Kolkata), Former Joint Director Fisheries (L-I), Govt. of Odisha, Fishery Technologist, I.C.A.R. and Director of Fisheries, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and at present Faculty Member, Marine Science Department, University of Calcutta and West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences is associated with fish, fisheries and marine sciences for more than fifty years. <BR> He has published twenty one books and 167 research and review papers on fish, fisheries, environmental and ocean sciences and fish processing technologies. <BR> He is a Fellow Member of Zoological Society, Indian Association of Biological Sciences, Kolkata.His latest book, “Marine Biology” was published in 2013."
About The Book
"The need for conservation of fishery resources in aquatic ecosystems (marine, lentic and lotic) arise when the sustainable exploitation is jeopardized by irrational anthropogenic activities, like destroying and polluting the aquatic habitats, indiscriminate altering the natural ecosystems and overfishing leading to massacre of juveniles and brood stocks to maintain the future progeny. <BR> This is exactly happened in case of fishery resources globally, and regionally. With the advent of industrial revolution at the beginning of twentieth century and the invention of oil-fired diesel engine for fishing trawlers followed by onboard refrigeration, distant water factory trawler, modern navigation and fish detection devices and novel fishing techniques with improved fishing gears, the world continental shelves were sweeped for demersal fishes by giant trawls, pelagic fishes were enclosed by purse seines and squid and cuttle fishes were lured by surface illumination for capture. <BR> The result is – the collapse of fisheries, one after another, first globally in developed fishing nations and then in the developing fishing countries. <BR> All these problems relating to coastal and marine ecosystems, fisheries resources and population dynamics, the effect of fishing, evaluation of potential yield and sustainable fishing, present fish landing trend in world oceans, the threat of endangered species, the need for conservation in world oceans and fish stocks from extinction and the basic concepts of fishery management guiding the management policies, such as ban on fishing, establishment of Marine Protected Areas and declaration of sanctuaries have been described in details in thirteen chapters of the book. <BR> The similar problems of open access fisheries in coastal lagoons, man-made reservoirs and rivers and the conservation of fisheries biodiversity in these ecosystems find place in last three chapters of the book. <BR> The book will be useful for the teachers, students and researchers of the fisheries field."
Table of Contents
Preface vii <BR> Introduction xiii <BR> 1. Importance of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems 1 <BR> 2. Resource Potential and Population Dynamics 13 <BR> 3. Prospects for World Fisheries 41 <BR> 4. Current Rate of Exploitation 45 <BR> 5. Marine Productivity in India 60 <BR> 6. Resources and Environment 67 <BR> 7. Species in Stress and Extinction 117 <BR> 8. Conservation in World Oceans 128 <BR> 9. Management and Policies 151 <BR> 10. Marine Protected Areas 186 <BR> 11. Conservation and Management of Lagoon Fishery Resources 222 <BR> 12. Development and Management of Reservoir Fisheries 250 <BR> 13. Conservation of Fish Biodiversity in Riverine Ecosystem 263 <BR> References 273 <BR> Index 277