Communication Technology in Agriculture
by Sudhir, Pradhan
ISBN: 9789351303640
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : vii+224p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm., 700 gms
About The Book
The term Extension education is an applied science consisting of content derived from research, accumulated field experiences and relevant principles derived from behaviourial sciences synthesized with useful technology into a body of principles, content and methods focused on the problems of out of farm education for adults and youth farmers. In all these efforts it is emphasized enough on ex-tension, the term ‘In-Tension of extension’ remained unexplored. What we mean to say is that, now it is opportune time to look into the term ‘in-tension of extension’. The term ‘in-tension of extension’ is conceptualized as the degree to which the concept, objectives, principles, theory and models of ‘extension’ have been internalized by the extension workers to make the farmers/people responsible to get the work done”. The book Communication Technology in Agriculture covers ‘Model and Theories of Communication Technology’, ‘What is in Reporting ?’, ‘Entrepreneurial skill’, ‘Informatics in Animal Husbandry’, ‘Communication Technology in Agriculture Extension’, ‘Intellectual Property Right’s’ and References. For the easy reading Index is also prepared and appended. This book is useful to the students of agricultural extension, research scholars, scientists involved in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Operational Research Project, National Demonstration Project, CATAT and to those are interested to serve the countryside people and farming community.
Table of Contents
1. Models and Theories
of Communication Technology
2. What is in Reporting?
3. Entrepreneurial Skill
4. Informatics in Animal Husbandry
5. Communication Technology in Agricultural Extension
6. Intellectual Property Rights’