Bird Feather Science
by Karanjekar, Rucha S & Pravin N Charde
ISBN: 9789351303565
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4495.00
Biblio : vii+116p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
About The Book
"The basic structure of feather is described in this book. And a new logic of feather science is applied to study the feathers. This book reveals the application of a new and innovative concept called ptilochronology to study the sexual behavior of birds specially Japanese Quail. Ptilochronology is an interesting tool by which feather growth can be measured. The idea of ptilochronology was first introduced by Grubb in 1989. It is a growing branch of ornithology which opens ways to a number of areas such as avian behavior, ecology, conservation biology and remains a lot to do. This is the first study on this subject in the country. <BR> Our aim is to share this innovative technique with the developing researchers in science and veterinary science, a new concept with the students, an interesting idea with the students, an interesting idea with the bird lovers, bird watchers and knowledge with the other readers. As you will read this book, you will learn how to use the technique. <BR> "
Table of Contents
1. Feather: Structure and Arrangement
2. Concept of Ptilochronology
3. Japanese Quail: A Pilot Animal for Research
4. Historical Review
5. Application of Ptilochronology
5.1. Food Quality
5.2. Photoperiod
5.3. Food Quantity
5.4. Ambient Temperature
5.5. Sexual Selection
6. Results
7. Conclusion
8. Abnormal Behavior
9. Obstacles