Bio-energy from Wastewaters
by Saini, D.R., S. N. Kaul, Sharma Yogesh Chandra & Prateek Kaul
ISBN: 9789351303343
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 18995.00
Biblio : x+639p.,tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. S.N. Kaul obtained his bachelor and master degrees from IIT, Kanpur and was awarded Ph.D. degree from the University of New Castle Upon Tyne, UK. Dr. Kaul joined CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute [NEERI] Nagpur in 1970 and worked for over three decades. Dr. Kaul superannuated as Acting Director and Director Grade scientist from NEERI and was also associated with MIT college of Engineering, Pune as its Principal. Dr. Kaul has published over 350 Papers in National and International journals beside and authorship of over 30 books on Environmental Science and Engineering, 8 Patents and 150 Conference papers. Dr. Kaul has designed and operated several waste treatment plants in India. Dr. Kaul has supervised over a dozen of Ph.D. and 40 M.Tech. students. In addition, Dr. Kaul was responsible for organizing several National and International Conferences and has traveled extensively in India and aboard concerning various R&D programs. Dr. Kaul has received several National and International awards and is expert member of various important National committees on Environmental Science and Engineering. <BR> Dr. D.R. Saini obtained his B.Tech. and M.Tech. from HBTI, Kanpur and Ph.D. (Chem. Eng.) from IIT-Delhi. Presently working as Principal Scientist at NCL, Pune. Dr. Saini has Coauthored three books, six chapters and published seventy papers in international journals. Dr. Saini has guided 3 Ph.D. and few M.Tech. Students. <BR> Professor Yogesh Chandra Sharma, born at Aligarh, India obtained Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry 1991 and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in 2010. Dr. Sharma has published large number of research articles in international professional journals. Dr. Sharma is referee of nearly four dozens of international professional journals including journals from Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and journals from other reputed publishers. Dr. Sharma is also Editor in- Chief of the International Journal of Pollution and Solutions (CIP, USA). His current interests are synthesis, characterization and applications of nano-adsorbents, bio-fuel and catalysts. Currently Professor Sharma is teaching at the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. <BR> Er. Prateek Kaul has obtained his B Tech and M Tech from NIT, Nagpur. He has worked in several multinational industries in India and abroad and has number of patents and publications to his credit.
About The Book
Methane recovery from wastewaters through anaerobic treatment is potentially one of the most attractive methods of solving the twin problems of energy production and pollution control in a cost effective manner. Attempts towards the satisfaction of energy needs of mankind in the biosphere warrants substantial external energy subsidies. Therefore, shift in energy-mix towards renewable is now recognised as one of the necessary measures for meeting the energy needs of the future. The anaerobic process is in many ways ideal for waste treatment. It has several significant advantages over other available methods and is almost certainly assured of increased usage in the future. Anaerobic treatment is currently employed at most municipal treatment and also in some industrial sectors. However, inspite of the present significance and large future potential of this process, it has not yet enjoyed the favourable reputation it truly deserves. The primary obstacle has been a lack of fundamental understanding of the process, required both to explain and control the occasional upsets which may occur, and to extend successfully this process to the treatment of wide variety of industrial wastewaters.
Table of Contents
Preface (vii) <BR> Chapter 1 <BR> Anaerobic Teachnologies for Wastewater Treatment 1 <BR> Chapter 2 <BR> Present Scenario of Anaerobic Systems in India 12 <BR> Chapter 3 <BR> Biodegradation of Industrial Organic Compounds by <BR> Anaerobic Processes 35 <BR> Chapter 4 <BR> Types of Anaerobic Reactor Systems 108 <BR> Chapter 5 <BR> Factors Affecting Anaerobic Processes 274 <BR> Chapter 6 <BR> Toxicity Effects in Anaerobic Processes 300 <BR> Chapter 7 <BR> Production of Hydrogen and Sulphur Recovery 330 <BR> Chapter 8 <BR> Kinetics of Anaerobic Treatment Processes 357 <BR> Chapter 9 <BR> Scale up Formulations for Anaerobic Systems 503 <BR> Chapter 10 <BR> Design, Operation and Maintenance 539 <BR> Chapter 11 <BR> Case Studies - Abroad and in India 591 <BR> Chapter 12 <BR> Future Research Areas in Anaerobic Processes 630