Agricultural Sustainability and Approaches
by Kumar, Sunil et al eds
ISBN: 9789351303169
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 15820.00
Biblio : xiii+439p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm., 1000 gms
About The Book
With the increase in crop yields from modern agriculture reaching a plateau in most of the countries, and the environmental degradation along with ecological imbalances due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, high yielding variety seeds becoming a matter of concern, the need for agricultural sustainability is being felt all over the world. In this regard to attain high levels of food grain production to pace the demands of the ever growing population, emphasis has given on intensive agricultural practices. The technology developed since past few decades have clearly proved detrimental to the natural resources base, ecology and environment. The present book entitled 'Agricultural Sustainability and Approaches' has been edited keeping in mind to enunciate various approaches on agricultural sustainability. The chapters enlisted in this edited book true lucidly highlight concepts, basic information on agriculture sustainability and approaches.
Table of Contents
1. Methods of Crop Improvement for Allogamous Crops
S.K. Kaushik, Shobhana Gupta and K.V. Singh
2. Regulation of Dormancy and Germination
Birendra Prasad, Abhishek Bahuguna and Rajander S Bali
3. Green Manuring: A Suitable Method for Increasing Soil Organic Matter for Sustainable Production
Ajay Kumar, Puja Srivastava and Ajay Kumar Prabhakar
4. Indian Agriculture in the Era of Changing Climate
V. Venkat Ramanan, Shachi Shah and S.D. Singh
5. Impact of Climate Change on Fruit Production
Hariom Sah, Shambhoo Prasad and Pratibha
6. Nutritive Value of Seabuckthorn
Rajander S. Bali, V.K. Yadav, V.K. Sah, Abhishek Bahuguna and Birendra Prasad
7. Use of Biotechnological Tools in Modern Agriculture
Neeraj Tandan and Seema Yadav
8. Terminator Gene Technology for Modern Seed Industry
Shashikant Kushwaha, Birendra Prasad and V.K. Singh
9. Propagation Methods in Mango
Abhishek Bahuguna, Birendra Prasad, Sandhya Bahuguna, Vijay Kumar and R.S. Bali
10. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: A Good Agricultural Practices
Varsha Gupta and Daya Shankar Srivastava
11. Water Resources and Management
Mukesh Kumar, Manish Kumar, Teena Rani, Manoj Khanna and J.C. Dagar
12. Seed Treatments: A Panacea for Enhancing Seed Quality
S.K. Yadav, S.K. Lal, P. Nallathambi, Sangita Yadav and V.A. Tonapi
13. Thermo-Periodism in Medicinal Plant Seeds
Shailesh Tripathi, Siddharth Shankar Bhatt and V K Sah
14. Carbide Ripened Mango: Health Related Issues
Shailesh Tripathi and Ruchi Gangwar
15. Status of Natural Dyes and Dye-Yielding Plants in Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region
16. Management of Soil Fertility for Sustainable Agriculture
Rajeev Kaushik and Livleen Shukla
17. Web Blight of Urd Bean (Vigna mungo L.) and it’s Management
Neelam, Lajjavati and K.P.S. Kushwaha
18. Multidisciplinary Actions of Trichoderma in Biological Control of Plant Diseases
S.K. Mishra, M.L. Kushwaha and A.K. Tiwari
19. Common Property Resources Contribution and their Sustainable Management in Enhancing Farm Income and Employment in Himachal Pradesh
M.S. Pathania and K.D. Sharma
20. Analysing Production and Marketing Practices of Peas and Tomatoes in District Nainital and U.S. Nagar
Mustfa Hussain
21. Dairy Development in India: Recent Trends and Future Prospects
Kiran Yadav, Sunil Kumar and Chander Dev
22. Commercial Dairy Farming: A Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis
D.K. Dwivedi and Pranav Kumar
23. Role of SHG for Rural Development
D.S. Srivastava, J.S. Yadav, Ajay Kumar, Varsha Gupta and P Adhiguru
24. Strategic Model for Effective Functioning of SHG
Arpita Sharma
25. Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Biodiversity
Som Pal Singh, Harmeet Singh and L.K. Dhaliwal