Agricultural Science: Gene Sequencing and Mapping
by Sharma, Ramniwas ed
ISBN: 9789351303152
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9495.00
Biblio : vii+268p., figs., tabls., bib., ind., 23 cm
Table of Contents
1. Gene Characterisation
2. Genetic Resources and Gene-based Inventions
3. Inheritance and Molecular Mapping of Genes
4. Genome Sequence Database (GSDB)
5. Gene Technology and Gene Ecology
6. Opportunities in Agriculture
7. Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
8. Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops
9. Biotechnology in the Developing World
10. Agricultural and Sustainable Development
11. Complex Trait Genetics
12. Environmental Safety of GMOs
13. Critical Role of Plant Biotechnology