Ornamental Aquaculture: Technology and Trade in India

by S Felix, Saroj Kumar Swain, T.V. Anna Mercy

ISBN: 9789351300441
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9495.00
Biblio : xiii+254p.,col.plts.,figs.,tabls.,23 cm

Author Profile

Dr. S. Felix is Professor, Fisheries Research and Extension Centre, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Chennai. He has established Fisheries Biotechnology Centre at FC & RI Thoothukudi. <BR> Dr. T.V. Anna Mercy is Professor at Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Kochi. <BR> Dr. Saroj Kumar Swain is working as Principal Scientist in CIFA, Bhubaneswar.

About The Book

Ornamental fishes are getting rapid transformation from Aquarium to the status of trade in our country. India’s has tremendous potential in ornamental aquaculture for achieving an ‘aqua rainbow revolution’. National Level Conference organized by Fisheries Research and Extension Centre, TANUVAS was compiled and brought out as book entitled “ Ornamental Aquaculture-Technology and Trade in India”, which deals with the present scenario, future scope, global and local market trends, indigenous ornamental fishery resources (both fresh water and marine), advanced aquaculture systems (viz. raceways, lined ponds, cages etc.), aquaphonics and the breeding of freshwater, marine and brackish water cultivable species. The book also deals with the Government schemes available for the entrepreneurs for promoting ornamental aquaculture in India.

Table of Contents

Foreword vii <BR> Preface ix <BR> Part I <BR> State and National Scenario and Scope for Ornamental Fisheries Sector <BR> 1. Scope for Achieving 'Ornamental Rainbow Revolution' in Tamil Nadu 3 <BR> 2. Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Ornamental Fisheries as a Sun Rise Sector in India for Providing Employment in the Rural Sector and Earner of Foreign Exchange 8 <BR> Part II Native Ornamental Fishes of India: Biodiversity, Conservation and Management <BR> 3. Indigenous Ornamental Fish Germplam Inventory of the Western Ghats of India: Status and Prospects 39 <BR> 4. Captive Breeding and Conservation Strategies for Indian Freshwater Ornamental Fish 75 <BR> 5. Wild Caught Native Freshwater Ornamental Fishes of India 98 <BR> Part III Ornamental Fish Production Technologies and Management <BR> 6. Advanced Grow-Out Systems (Raceways and Lined Ponds) for Intensive Rearing of Ornamental Fishes 115 <BR> 7. Aquaponics System: Integration of Aquaculture with Vegetable Hydroponics 127 <BR> 8. Ornamental Arowana 138 <BR> 9. Aquarium Fish Health Management, Biosecurity and Quarantine 149 <BR> Part IV Marine Ornamental Fisheries: Biodiversity, Production and Management <BR> 10. Sustainable Marine Ornamental Fish Trade: An Indian Perspective 163 <BR> 11. Marine Ornamental Fishery Resource and its Management at Vizhinjam Coast, Southern Kerala 177 <BR> 12. Techniques for Mass Production of Two Species of Clown Fish: Clown Anemone Fish Amphiprion ocellaris (Cuvier, 1830) and Spinecheek Anemone Fish Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790) 193 <BR> M.K. Anil, B. Santhosh, S. Jasmine, Reenamole, <BR> 13. Hatchery Production Technology for Clown Fish in Tamil Nadu 204 <BR> 14. Induced Breeding Protocols for Ornamental Brackishwater Fishes 214 <BR> Part V Technology Dissemination and Trade <BR> 15. The Role of Fisheries Department in Promoting Aquariculture Sector 229 <BR> 16. Factors that Hamper the Ornamental Fish Production Sector in Tamil Nadu 236 <BR> Index 249