Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Cultivation Conservation Strain Improvement With their Marketing
by Verma, B.N., K.K. Sahu & Prem Kumar Prasad
ISBN: 9789351300434
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 13995.00
Biblio : x+431p., 36 col., plts., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Bhola Nath Verma was born on 8th June, 1943 and was superannuated from the active service as University Professor and Head, University Dept. of Botany, B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar (India).<br/> <BR> Dr. Prem Kumar Prasad is Principal, J.M.P.D.L. Mahila College, Madhubani under L.N. Mithila University, Darghanga, Bihar (India). <BR> Dr. K.K. Sahu is Reader and Head in Botany, B.R.B.C College, Samastipur under L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar (India).
About The Book
This book present comprehensive account of works done so far on basic and applied aspects of edible Mushrooms in simple and lively style for better perception of the readers even without any background knowledge of biology. <BR> It includes morphological characteristics of 568 edible mushroom taxa along with their synonym, common name, ecological notes and distribution besides the live photographs of 120 taxa in their natural colour. <BR> Identification of the poisonous mushrooms, Cultivation methods, Culture of mycelia, Harvesting Post harvest management and marketing have been discussed with full coverage. <BR> Diseases and their control measures have been adopted for extending shelf-life of mushroom described along with stepwise method for preparing value added mushroom products.
Table of Contents
Foreword v <BR> From Author’s desk ix <BR> 1. Introduction 1 <BR> 2. Biology of Mushrooms and its Fruit Types 9 <BR> 3. Collection, Preservation and Identification of Mushrooms 20 <BR> 4. Systematic Position of the Mushroom Taxa Described 26 <BR> 5. Taxonomical Enumeration of Mushroom Taxa 32 <BR> 6. Cultivation of Mushroom 260 <BR> 7. Mycelial Culture of Mushroom 270 <BR> 8. Harvesting of Mushroom Fruits (Sporophores) 271 <BR> 9. Pests of Mushroom and their Control 275 <BR> 10. Postharvest Management of Edible Mushrooms 289 <BR> 11. Conservation of Mushroom Biodiversity 301 <BR> 12. Genetics of Mushroom and Perspectives of its <BR> Strain Improvement 309 <BR> 13. Economic Importance of Mushroom 321 <BR> 14. Economics of Mushroom Cultivation 351 <BR> Bibliography 361 <BR> Index 405