Animal Byproducts Utilisation Through Semi-Moist Rendering
by Mahendra Kumar
ISBN: 9789351300021
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 5995.00
Biblio : xxviii+136p., ind., bib., 23 cm
Author Profile
Mahendra Kumar Formerly Scientist G and Head of the Byproducts area and Biosciences Division, Central Leather, Research Institute (CLRI), Madras.
About The Book
As the title of the book implies, it deals with “Rendering” of animal tissues through an entirely new technology “Semi-moist Rendering” being the only one of its kind. In its present form, it is most suited for small throughputs of raw material and an ideal choice for developing countries. White this is so, it is possbile to scale-up the technology for processing large quantities of raw materials as well; a complete chapter is devoted on this aspect. The book covers any conceivable aspect of rendering under its 17 chapters supported with 29 relevant references. The technology is low coast, zero waste, economically viable, environmentally clean and eco-friendly. There are only two main equipments needed which are simple in design and operation and can invariably be fabricated locally without dependence on importation. A variety of raw materials and products like hide, skin, hair, bone, tallow, meat meal, bone meal etc., are produced from the processing of animal byproducts which, unfortunately, are either wasted or not optimally utilized in most of the developing countries. The Semi-moist Rendering Technology provides an excellent opportunity to the developing worls to “mimic” the gains which the developed world enjoys through the processing of animal by products. The book is a must read for all those connected with agricultural economy and environment and will be of immense interest to professionals connected with disciplines like soil fertility, composting, vermiculture, farm produce, livestock, animal health, meat production, animal feed, pet food, poultry, fishery, piggery, hides, skins, leather making, veterinary sciences, biogas production, sanitation, policy makers, health and environment.
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Semi Moist Rendering; Chapter 3: State of the Art; Existing carcass processing centers, Technologies in vogue, Environmental pollution, Uneconomic processes; Chapter 4: Problems; Absence of appropriate technology, Absence of proper organization; Chapter 5: Some communication, Transport vehicle, Water supply, Hygiene in handling, Clean environment, Scheduled diseases; Chapter 6: Unique Features of the Technology; Chapter 7: Cost Estimates and Profitability; Chapter 8: Guidelines for Constuction of Carcass Recovery Centers; Chapter 9: Tools and Equipments; Chapter 10: New Technology Package; Coollection, Flaying, Entrails, Rendering, Mincing, Dry meat meal, Semi moist meat meal, Use of semi moist meat meal in pig feed, Pelleted feeds, Stick water, Bone, Compost and horticulture, Treatment and disposal of effluents, Biogas generation; Chapter 11: Wet Rendering and Dry Rendering; Wet rendering, Dry rendering, Separation of fat from cracklings, Use of anti-oxidants, Grinding and sacking, Refining of fat, Boiler; Chapter 12: Composting and Vermicomposting; composting, Materials for composting, Methods of composting, Stack covered with vegetable matter, Benefits of using compost as manure, Vermiculture/vermicomposting; Chapter 13: Biogas from Animal Wastes; General, Animal wastes: an ideal source for biogas production, Yield of biogas from different types of raw materials, Composition of biogas, Optimim parameters for anaerobic fermentation, Phases of biogas production, Biogas plant, Products of the biogas plant, Toxicity of the slurry; Chapter 14: Possible Applicatin of the Technology in Developed Countreis; United kingdom, Australia; Chapter 15: Possible Fallout of the Technology; BSE, Treatment of effluents from other sources, Raising of animals for food locally; Chapter 16: Scaling Up of Technology; Chapter 17: Pig Farming; Annexures, Semi-moist rendering vessel: Design and Operation, Mincing, Semi-moist meat meal and its water activity, Use of semi-moist meat meal in pig feed.