Farm Machinery and Power_Inact

by Powar & Aware

ISBN: 9789351244714
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Imprint : NIPA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7600.00
Biblio : 378 pages,23cm

Author Profile

Ashok G. Powar: Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, District Ratnagiri - 415 712, Maharashtra, India. Vijay V. Aware: Associate Professor, Department of Farm Machinery and Power, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, District Ratnagiri - 415 712,Maharashtra, India

About The Book

This book incorporates the extensive and updated basic information on the subject authored by the scientists of international repute to understand the various concepts. This book presents latest comprehensive and authoritative explanation through different angles of basic technologies in Farm Machinery, Farm Power and Thermodynamics.

Table of Contents

"Preface A Abnormal combustion — Axle load (Comprising of 9 figures) B Babbitt — Bypass (Comprising of 12 figures) C Cable conveyor — Cylinder type chaff cutter (Comprising of 22 figures) D Dah — Dynamometer (Comprising of 14 figures) E Ear plug — Eyeleting (Comprising of 3 figures) F Fabrication — Fusion piercing drill (Comprising of 15 figures) G Gadget — Gyroscopic (Comprising of 15 figures) H Half round file — Hythane (Comprising of 9 figures) I I beam — Isothermal process (Comprising of 3 figures) J Jack, electric — Junker’s engine K Kelvin scale —Knurling (Comprising of 1 figure) L Labeled — Lumber (Comprising of 3 figures) M Mach number — Multistage expansion with reheating (Comprising of 3 figures) N Natural gas — Nut O Oak — Oxygen (O2) (Comprising of 3 figures) P Packing — Pyrometer (Comprising of 6 figures) Q Quadrangle — Quoins R Rabbet — Runway (Comprising of 9 figures) S SAE — Synthetic (Comprising of 9 figures) T T bolt — Two-stroke cycle (Comprising of 6 figures) U U clamp — Uranium V V belt — Volume fraction (Comprising of 1 figure) W Walking machine — Wrist pin (Comprising of 1 figure) XYZ Xengine — Zinc Bibliography"