Bananas and Plantains: Postharvest Management,Storage, Ripening and Processing_Inact
by C K Narayana
ISBN: 9789351244127
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Imprint : NIPA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4000.00
Biblio : 200 pages,tables,figures,colour plates,25cm
Author Profile
C.K. Narayana: Head, Division of Postharvest Technology, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessarghatta Lake (P.O.), Bengaluru-560 089, Karnataka
About The Book
The first few chapters introduces the reader to the crop, its origin and distribution, varieties cultivated throughout the country and their characteristics. Later the trade of banana, both international and domestic, is explained along with the ways the fruit is consumed in different parts of the world. A chapter exclusively deals with the nutritive and therapeutic values of banana followed by the post harvest aspects at length in seven chapters with all the latest scientific developments. The last three chapters explain about the processing and value addition including the waste/by-products utilization. The readers will find it comprehensive with all the information relevant to post harvest aspects of bananas and plantains.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Origin, Production and Distribution
3. Varieties and Their Characteristics
4. Trade –International and Domestic
5. Consumption Pattern of Bananas and Plantains
6. Nutritive, Medicinal and Therapeutic Values
7. Post Harvest Losses and its Causes
8. Pre-Harvest Factors Affecting the Shelf / Storage Life and Quality
9. Post Harvest Factors Affecting The Shelf Life and Quality
10. Post Harvest Physiology, Shelf Life and Quality Changes
11. Improved Harvest, Postharvest Handling, Packaging and Transportation
12. Storage of Banana
13. Ripening and Retailing
14. Minimal Processing
15. Banana Processing and Processed Products
16. Utilization of Field Residues and Processing Waste"