Key Notes on Plant Biotechnology

by Venkata R Prakash Reddy

ISBN: 9788193476949
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 13995.00
Biblio : xii+402 p., 25 cm

Author Profile

Venkata R. Prakash Reddy received his M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics and Plant Breeding from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, where he also received University Gold Medal. He is a recipient of Inspire Fellowship of Department of Science and Technology for Ph.D. programme and doing Ph.D. in Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University. Currently, working as Assistant Professor at Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Agricultural College, Mahanandi. He has also published several research, review papers in various national and international journals of repute. He has already authored two books titled Heterosis and Combining Ability Studies in Sunflower and Key Notes on Genetics and Plant Breeding. His research interests include Plant Breeding and Molecular Biology.

About The Book

The present book has been designed to provide detailed knowledge about molecular biology in relation with crop improvement. The topics mainly covered includes cell structure and function, molecular genetics and gene expression, molecular biology techniques, PCR and gene cloning, mutations and in vitro mutagenesis, molecular markers and genomics, tissue culture and plant genetic engineering, transgenics, biosafety and regulations and biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and enzymes. Hope this book would be useful for graduate and post-graduate students of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Biology in all the Universities. This will also be useful for those appearing in competitive examinations such as Agricultural Research Services of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, National Eligibility Test, Civil Services Examinations and other allied examinations.

Table of Contents

Preface v Abbreviations ix 1. Cell Structure and Function 1 2. Molecular Genetics and Gene Expression 33 3. Molecular Biology Techniques 73 4. PCR and Gene Cloning 99 5. Mutations and In vitro Mutagenesis 131 6. Plant Molecular Biology 141 7. Molecular Markers and Genomics 187 8. Tissue Culture and Plant Genetic Engineering 243 9. Transgenics, Biosafety and Regulations 279 10. Biomolecules: Carbohydrates and Proteins 291 11. Biomolecules: Lipids and Nucleic Acids 309 12. Biomolecules – Enzymology 323 Terminology 347 References 395