Jaintia Oral Narratives

by Shobhan N Lamare

ISBN: 9788193476925
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Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 4995.00
Biblio : x+134p., 25cm

Author Profile

Dr. S.N. Lamare was born in Chutwakhu, Jowai, Meghalaya and spent his early childhood days and schooling in Jowai and then went to Shillong for higher studies. He graduated from St. Edmunds College and completed his Master’s and Doctorate from the North-Eastern Hill University. Dr. Lamare has been actively engaged in research and has a varied field of interest. His principal area of interest in his research is to understand the various aspects of society, culture and economy of the Jaintia people. Among his well known published books are Resistance Movements in North East India: The Jaintias of Meghalaya 1860-1863; Reflections: A Collection of Poems; The Jaintias: Studies in Society and Change and Crying Skies a Collection of Poems. Dr. Lamare has also published a number of articles and papers both in vernacular and English in research journals, edited books and also in the form of popular writings. The varied interests of Dr. Lamare are reflected in the use of his training in history in producing historical documentaries. At present Dr. Shobhan N. Lamare is an Associate Professor in the Department of History, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.

About The Book

Jaintia Oral Narratives will try to dwell on the oral traditions of the people, which serve as an important source of information today. Some of the references will give an insight into the historical developments and may provide a window for researchers to explore into those areas once again and a proper understanding of the Jaintia society.

Table of Contents

Preface vii 1. Introduction 1 2. The Legend of U Lakriah 11 3. The Clan Cluster: Ka Kur Soo Kpoh-Khad-Ar-Warnai 15 4. Myth of the Divine Descent of the Jaintia Kings 19 5. The Origin of the Place of Worship of Jayanti Devi 27 6. Oral Notes on Jaintiapur 29 7. The Attack on Jaintiapur and the Story of U Ren 35 8. The Story of U Chitang 37 9. Malevolent Spells in the Jaintia Society 41 10. Ka Syiem Latympang 45 11. Rice Cultivation in Jaintia Hills: The Myth 49 12. The Legend of U Sajar Nangli 53 13. Snikur’s Wrath 57 14. Some Notes on Ka Sara Dkhar 59 15. Stone Cows 61 16. Love and Loving gone Bad: The Case of a Jaintia Damsel 63 17. Stories from Chyrmang 67 18. Story of Birds and Animals 69 19. Story of the Earth 71 20. The Case of the Jaintias with Madur-Maskut 73 21. The Five Clans of Mukhla Village 79 22. The Incursion on Sylhet and the Fallout with Nongkrem 81 23. The Legend of Ka Iaw Chibidi 91 24. The Legend of Ka Taben and the Importance of the Market 93 25. The Mars of the Jaintias 97 26. The Origin of Rice Beer among the Jaintias 107 27. The River Kupli 109 28. The Story of Midgets 113 29. The Story of U Thlen Lawania and Ka Blai Pynsum Kule 115 30. The Sung Valley 121 31. The Syndai Cave 123 32. The Tiger-Shaped Monolith 125 33. The Vision of Johumbon 127 34. U Muior Dkhar 129 Glossary 133