
by Bhat, K. L.

ISBN: 9788170358459
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xiii+209p.,col.plts.,tabls.,ind., 23 cm

Author Profile

Professor Kanaya Lal Bhat is working as Professor in Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, J & K.

About The Book

Brinjal (Baigan) is a native plant and is widely used in Indian cuisine. It is a popular vegetable grown extensively in almost all over the world. It occupies third position amongst vegetable crops. India’s brinjal economy is estimated to be close to $2 billion, with millions of farmers cultivating it annually in nearly 5, 50, 000 hectares. Its production contributes not only to food nutrition security but also to poverty alleviation. It is easy to grow and earns higher returns without involving any extra skill. There was a long felt need of the research and development in this field for vegetable growers, to have an access to the latest agro-techniques in brinjal cultivation. It will therefore, this book answer their requirements by providing a comprehensive picture on brinjal as a economic crop, its research accomplishments and future potentialities. Origin and distribution, climatic adaptations, nutrition, economic importance and therapeutic value, taxonomy, botany, genetics, improved varieties, cultural description, seed production and control of pests and diseases are the major areas of review. Every effort has been made to cover as much information as possible. This book will be of immense use for students, research and extension workers engaged in the science of brinjal cultivation.

Table of Contents

Preface 1. Introduction Origin and Distribution Area and Production Areas of Cultivation Current Status 2. Nutritive Value and Uses Chemical Constituents Health and Nutritional Benefits of Eating Brinjal Uses Medicinal Value Biological Activities Toxicity 3. Taxonomy Vernacular Names Systematic Position Synonyms Classification on the Basis of Fruit Shape and Plant Spread Classification on the Basis of Fruit Colour Botany Roots Stem Leaves Petiole Flowers Calyx This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Corolla Stamens Ovary Berries Fruiting Seeds Flower Biology and Pollination Anthesis and Anther Dehiscence Pollination Chromosome Number Hybridization Hybrid Vigour Exploitation of Heterosis Genetics Gene Studies in Brinjal Quantitative Qualitative Genes Breeding Objectives 4. Breeding Methods/Selection Criteria Pure Line Selection Pedigree Method Bulk Method Back Crossing Method Heterosis Breeding Mutation Breeding Resistant Breeding Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding Genetic Engineeringfor the Improvement of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L) 5. Varieties Long Fruited Varieties Round Fruited Varieties Long Green Varieties Annamali Arka Keshav This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Arka Kusumkar Arka Navneet Arka Nidhi Arka Sheel Arka Shirish Aru-1 Aru-2C ARBH-1 (Shyamal) Aruna AzadB-1 AzadB-2 (KS-224) Azad B-3 Azad Kranti (PPL x BGL) ARC-BJ-105 Arka Neelakant Azad Hybrid APAU Gulabi APAU Shyamala APAU Bagyamathi Barahmasi BH-2 Bhagmati Black Beauty CHBR- 1 Co-1 Co-2 COBH-1 DBRS-44 DBRS-91 Dudhia Green Long GujaratBrinjal-6 Gulabi (Sel-4) Hissar Pragati (H-7} Hissar Jamuni This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Hissar Shyamal (H-8) H-4 Jamuni Gola JB-15 JB-64–1-2 Junagarh Long Kalpataru (MBH-10) KKM KS-331 Krishnagar Purple Round Krishnagar Green Long Kasi Taru (IVBL-9) Kashi Prakash (IIVR Sel-9) Kashi Sandesh (Hyb) Kashi Ganesh (Hyb) KT KT-4 Long-13 (Indo-American Hybrid Seed Co.) MDU-1 Manjri MHB-1 MHB-9 MHB-10 (Kalpataru) MHB-20 (Kalpatharu) MHB-39 (Ravaiyya) Narendra Hybrid Brinjal-6 (NDBH-6) Narendra Hybrid Brinjal-1 (NDBH-1) Neelam PantRitu Raj Pant Samrat Pant Brinjal Hybrid 1 PKM-1 PLR-1 Punjab Bahar Punjab Barsati This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Punjab Chamkila Punjab Haryana Brianjal-4 Punjab Moti Punjab Neelam Punjab Sadabahar Punjab-8 Pusa Ankur Pusa Anmol Pusa Anupam Pusa Bindu Pusa Hybrid-5 Pusa Hybrid 6 Pusa Hybrid-9 Pusa Kranti Pusa Purple Cluster Pusa Purple Long Pusa Purple Round Pusa Upkar (DBR-8) Pusa Uttam Pusa Bhairav (11a x PPL)-2–4-8–2) Ram Nagar Giant Rajindra Baingan Ravaiyya (MHB-39) RHRBH-1 RHRBH-2 RHRBH-3 Round-14 (Indo-American Hybrid Seed Co.) Shyamal (ARBH-201) Surya (SM6–7) Swetha (SM6–6) Swarna Shree (CHES-157) Swarna Mani Swarna Pratibha Swarna Shyamli S-1 This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Swarna Shakti Swarna Ajay Swarna Shobha Surati Gota Suphal Type-3 Utkal Jyoti (BB-13) Utkal Keshari (BB-26) Utkal Madhuri (BB-44) Utakal Tarini (BB-77) Vijay Hybrid VRBHR-1 Brinjal Varieties Grouped on the Basis of Shape and Colour of Fruits Brinjal Varieties Grouped on the Basis of their some Morphological Distinctions Brinjal Hybrid F1 A. Long Type B. Round Type C. Oval to Oblong D. Small Sized Fruits 6. Cultivation Climate Season Soil Nursery Raising Seed Rate Field Preparation Method of sowing/Spacing Water Management Nutrient Requirement Basal Dressing Top Dressing Deficiency of Major and Minor Elements Ntirogen Phosphorus Potash This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Calcium Magnesium Sulphur Boron Copper Iron Interculture Other Operations Growth Regulators Auxin Gibberellins Cytokinins Abscisic Acid (ABA) Ethlene Effect of Growth Regulators on Brinjal Anthesis Number of Fruits per Plant Fruit Size Yield per Plant Ascorbic Acid 7. Major Diseases of Brinjal Biology Rotting and Wilting Damage Symptoms Wilting Tissue Dying Tissue (Nicrosis) Verticillium Wilt Damping Off (Pythium spp. Phytophthora spp and Rhizoctonia spp) Control Powdery Mildew [Leveillula tauica (Lav.)] Control Southern Blight Symptoms Control Phomopsis Blight This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Control Control Leaf Spot (Alternaria spp. and Cercospora melongenae Chupp) Control Bacterial Wilt Symptoms Control Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum fsp.lycopersici (Sacc.): Control Fruit Rot (Phytophthora nicotianae B. de Haan var. nicotianae): Control Root Knot of Brinjal Control Brinjal Little Leaf (Mycoplasma) Control Brinjal Mosaic Caused by Tobacco Mosaic Virus Symptoms Control Alternaria Leaf Spot Control 8. Major Pests of Brinjal Chewing Insect that Feed on above Ground Plant Parts Beetles Pests with Needle-like Mouth Parts which Feed on Above Ground Plant Parts and Extract Plant Juices Soft-bodied, Root Feeding Pests Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes arbonalis Guen) Control Brinjal Stem Borer (Euzophera particella) Control Bringal Leaf Roller Control Leaf Feeding Beetles Epilachna Beetle Control This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. Thrips Control Jassids (Amrasca biguttula) Control Leaf Hoppers Brinjal Mealy Bug (Centrococcus insolitus) Control Brinjal Mite (Tetranychus telarius) Control Aphids (Aphis gossypii Glov) Control Mites Control Root Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) Control The Major Constraints in Research 9. Harvesting and Yield Purchasing Brinjal Cooking Storage and Relative Humidity 10. Brinjal Seed Production Land Requirement and its Preparation Time of Sowing Seed Nursery Raising Transplanting Manure and Fertilizer Method and Time of Application Irrigation Interculture and Weed Control Mulching 11. Isolation Requirements Roguing Before Flowering This ebook is exclusively for this university only. Cannot be resold/distributed. At Flowering and Fruiting At Mature Fruit Stage and Prior to Harvesting Harvesting and Thrashing Seed Yield Packing and Storage Production of Hybrid Brinjal Seed Production of Brinjal Disease and Pests Bibliography Index