Diseases of Fruit Crops
by Nwosu, Obasi
ISBN: 9789388027045
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 11995.00
Biblio : x+360 p., 25 cm
Author Profile
Obasi Nwosu, Ph.D (Plant Pathology) has long expertise in Teaching and Research in the Faculty of Agri-Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. He is very well known for his contribution in Plant Diseases. Presently, he is a Consultant in Agricultural Research and Development, South Africa.
About The Book
This immense book is a complete source of valuable information on diseases of Apple, Apricot, Banana, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cherry, Clementine, Cucumber, Grapes, Kiwifruit, Mango, Melon, Orange, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Plum, Strawberries and Tomato. It includes the modern diagnostic tools and management strategies of almost all the important temperate fruits. For each individual fruits various aspects of diseases such as diagnosis, forecast, elimination of diseases and integrated management of nursery, orchard and postharvest stage are discussed. Latest development in the diseases of fruit crops and their control measures are incorporated in the book.
This is a valuable source book for students, teachers, researchers, plant pathologists, horticulturists, nursery managers, agribusiness representative, growers and those who are involved in agriculture and horticulture.
Obasi Nwosu, Ph.D (Plant Pathology) has long expertise in Teaching and Research in the Faculty of Agri-Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. He is very well known for his contribution in Plant Diseases. Presently, he is a Consultant in Agricultural Research and Development, South Africa.
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Introduction 1
2. Apple
3. Apricot
4. Banana
5. Blueberries
6. Cantaloupe
7. Cherry
8. Clementine
9. Cucumber
10. Grapes
11. Kiwifruit
12. Mango
13. Melon
14. Orange
15. Peach
16. Pear
17. Pineapple
18. Plum
19. Strawberries
20. Tomato
21. Biological Control of Fruit Pathogens
Glossary 327
Bibliography 349
Index 353